Film Reviews by None

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Team America: World Police

The height of political correctness and and long overdue

(Edit) 02/11/2006

Team America is the latest offering from the South Park team and it's all done with puppets. It cruelly satirises both America's self-imposed role in policing the world and the left-wing Hollywood actors that protest against it. Add to this, Kim Jong Il singing 'I'm Wonewy (lonely)' around his Korean palace and you have a feast of bad taste and laugh out loud moments.

Not one for the kids or granny, the puppetry is flawless but the script is very much adult material - even to the obligatory puppet sex scene. If you like your humour black and you think world politics is pointless, then this film will hit all the right buttons.

Apart from the South Park creators, there are no big names attached to this film, it manages to offend just about every big name in Hollywood along the way and, boy, haven't we waited long enough for that to happen.

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Do the Right Thing

Could this be Spike Lee's best film.......

(Edit) 02/11/2006

Do the Right Thing follows a day in the life of Mookie, an intelligent but lazy Spike Lee who delivers Sals Finest Pizzas around his neighbourhood in Brooklyn. It's the hottest day of the year and the film builds as tensions between the blacks, whites, italians, hispanics,koreans, parents and children start to boil over...

But that's not the point - the point is that all these people seem to live together happily until a series of insignificant events expose the prejudice lurking below the surface. It doesn't preach, it's colourful, lively, full of humour, it has great music, great performances from Danny Aiello, John Turturro, Ossie Davis and Spike Lee.

Don't expect New Jack City gunfights or drive-by shootings, it isn't that kind of film, it's about real people and the irrational ways they react when forced to live in tight communities.

I first saw this film years ago but it hasn't dated at all.The core message is just as relevant to any British city now as it was to Brooklyn when it was made.

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