Film Reviews by NW

Welcome to NW's film reviews page. NW has written 4 reviews and rated 10 films.

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2 hours of watching Russians get drunk.

(Edit) 16/08/2023

Possibly the most depressing film I have ever watched. There is no redemption. There is no happy ending. If you try to beat the system it will crush you, and your house for good measure.

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La La Land


(Edit) 01/12/2021

This was not the Academy Award film of the same title. This was comedy of the 'making you uncomfortable' style. Ditched after the first episode. That's an hour of my life I won't get back.

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Antonia's Line


(Edit) 31/08/2021

I adored this when I saw it years ago. A quirky mix of delightful characters and strong female leads tell the story. There are some ascerbic one-liners to add spice to the ups and downs of life portrayed.

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(Edit) 31/08/2021

Somebody came up with the idea for a lesbian period piece. Somebody else said it should have historical characters in it. They bolted the two together in an unsuccessful alliance that should be buried deeper than any fossil.

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