Film Reviews by PK

Welcome to PK's film reviews page. PK has written 3 reviews and rated 36 films.

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Lola and the Sea

Lola and the Sea

(Edit) 20/05/2022

Only the French could successfully make this film mixing family relationships , decisions that have to be made by the living as to how to lay the dead to rest, and at the same time how to discovery that one of them is transsexual is to be dealt with with by all those affected and not just the person it is happening to. To make it harder for the film maker all this is happening during a long cold mostly dark journey in the wilder coastal area of France. They managed to hold my interest and I did want to stay to the end to see how it worked out.

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A Woman's Life

A Women's Life

(Edit) 13/08/2018

This film in a way has been under rated. It is very long and cuts back and forwards, as the mind of the woman was doing going over how things were to remember moments that showed a little promise for the future.. Her life was very long and the slow pace portrayed the way she perceived it with a kind of nobility to just hang in there. . She always managed to believe that somewhere her happy ideal moment would come -surely if she just held on it must come - and it never did. Many peoples lives are like that when they cannot just run away from people they are committed to and do not want to see are treating them badly... Hang in there with her and it is worth seeing.


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Slack Bay

Slack Bay

(Edit) 15/05/2018

Moderately amusing French film watching the over characterised ideal rich weekenders, and the over simple minded mussel fisher folk of the area in confrontation. It was flawed by being too long. Only two stars.

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