Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 2 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Gripping and thought provoking

(Edit) 30/11/2018

As someone of an age to remember 1971 and The Troubles being on tv every day, this brought it all back vividly. The plot enables the viewer to see the issues from all sides and how the army got caught in the middle of (to most of them) was someone else's war. There are no winners, no moralising, no political points. An excellent film.

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The Mumbai Siege


(Edit) 30/11/2018

I picked this one having recently visited the Taj Palace hotel and seen the memorials. I thought the film started well, lots of nice scene setting etc. It was clear from the start this was a low budget production but it would have been better if it had followed the real events more closely and had fewer Australians. Who knew so many Aussies went to Mumbai on their holidays?

In terms of entertainment and suspense, it was OK.

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