Film Reviews by DT

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12 Years a Slave


(Edit) 30/11/2014

Painful and harrowing to watch, brilliant acting and filmwork but too uncomfortable to be enjoyable, one that you probably need to see. Leaves me wanting revenge for those poor poor souls that had to live through this shameful period for mankind in time! Shocking that one human being can be so heartless to anything least of all another human being.

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Shame about the dubbing

(Edit) 28/11/2014

Reasonable film with a decent script - storyline, although all looking a bit dated in comparison to today's stuff! This would be much more enjoyable if it were subtitled instead of the very poor dubbing which makes it a bit cheesy, the film shows the harsh reality of the cold, brutal conditions these poor souls (on both sides) had to fight in.

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Stalingrad - anyone seen the plot?

(Edit) 12/11/2014

Rubbish - no plot at all and very poor scripting & acting, corny American dubbing just about tops it off. Don't bother!!

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