Film Reviews by Avijit

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Switchblade Romance


(Edit) 22/11/2005

Unnervingly Brilliant! End - of - discussion as far as psycho-thrillers go! Can teach Hollywood a thing or two about edge-of-the-seat excitement and tension!

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Painstakingly Brilliant

(Edit) 27/10/2005

Painstakingly Brilliant. Fascinating to what extent Bresson would go in search of saying the unsaid. A bit difficult to watch!

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The Chorus

Near Perfect

(Edit) 27/10/2005

A demonstration of near perfect filmmaking

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Cries and Whispers


(Edit) 16/11/2005

Lucky Bergman was not French! Not hard to imagine what a modern day French filmmaker of the likes of Gaspar Noe (Irreversible, 2002) would have made of this quite violent theme. Not to be watched if you are feeling a bit low!

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