Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 5 reviews and rated 212 films.

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The Amazing Spider-Man

Just not as good

(Edit) 21/09/2013

This movie is a world apart from the original Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. Poorly acted throughout with a weak story line. The effects are not much better than any other high budget movie and certainly not much better than Spider-Man. Spiderman cartoons are more interesting than this movie. This goes to show that even good effects cannot save a movie. There is nothing new in this movie, you have seen them all before in fact much better (Spider-Man trilogy).

I would rather watch Spider-Man again than see the sequel to this movie.

It is difficult not to compare this with Spider-Man. Making this movie was a risk and sadly Marc Web has failed to produce anything equal let alone better. It is a shame because I thought 500 days of Summer was well-made and very watchable. Marc Web should perhaps go back and make similar movies and leave the scene of superheroes for other directors.

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Hansel and Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft

The worst version

(Edit) 25/05/2013

Unfortunately, I ordered this by mistake thinking that I had ordered Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters.

The story is about nothing; couple of kids go to another school where there seems to be something sinister going on and that is it! You will see a lot of doors opening and closing for some reason and that is probably because the special effects were made by Blue Peter and they could not do anything else. No real actors in the movie either.

I should have been paid to watch this. I wish I could get my money back. At least the fast forward button became handy!

Life is too short to spend time watching this movie.

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2012: Doomsday

Read the poor reviews because they are true

(Edit) 26/12/2011

Poor woody acting based on a story made up by a 5 year old for 5 year olds with the special effects from the Blue Peter team. Avoid wasting your time because life is too short.

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Preplexed at how I even chose this movie

(Edit) 29/08/2010

Did everyone else watch the same movie as I did?

This is not a Sci-Fi/ fantasy movie. It turns out to be about a psychiatric patient. A very uninteresting one.

It has a good start in an imaginative setting. Very similar to the Dark City but it all ends there within 5 minutes of the movie. Back and forth between two separate plots until half way through the movie the connection between the two "parallel worlds" becomes apparent. In fact, they are not two parallel worlds; it is all in the imagination.

The fast forward button of your DVD player will become very useful!

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The Fog

Predictable cliche'

(Edit) 14/03/2010

The original 80s version is much better. Put together all the cliche's in the horror movies, add a poor story, throw in some poor acting with annoying characters and finally make everything predictable, you will have The Fog. Life is too short to watch this movie.

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