Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 54 films.

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Awaken the Night

Awaken the Night

(Edit) 17/11/2011

I thought I'd write a review for this one as the description here is so very different from what the film turned out to be (the cover doesn’t even seem to be a scene from the film!) It seems hard to find it anywhere on IMDB or other movie sites so I hope this helps! DJ Qualls (Roadtrip) is a down on his luck fast food employee, William Sadler (Shawshank) is his small-town-bully of a boss and Nikki Reed(Twilight) is a girl who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (or right time maybe?). Most of the film takes place as a conversation between two of these characters in a motel room, as a situation unfolds that has them both contemplating their lives. The film is well acted by the three main players and you are kept wondering as to whether Qualls will or won’t snap as he reaches the end of his tether. Whilst there are some more light hearted moments (mostly down to the hapless Qualls and the over the top Sadler) I would not say this is a comedy, more a melodrama. Whoever wrote the description above seems to have watched a different film to me, see what you think!

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Source Code

Source Code

(Edit) 08/09/2011

Suspend belief for this great sci-fi thriller and enjoy a quantum leap/vantage point/final destination of a film that is both enjoyable and moving!

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I Am Number Four

I am Number Four

(Edit) 02/08/2011

I can’t say I hated this film as it did the trick for an easy watch, but I was expecting something along the lines of a feature length Roswell episode and was left disappointed. All the usual high school character boxes were ticked (new kid in town, geeky best friend, bad jock bully, ex-cheerleader-turned-good) but none of them were likeable (well maybe the dog!). Whilst a certain amount of disbelief is always suspended in such stories, this plot was full of holes that made following it quite annoying – maybe I should have read the book first, although I’ve heard it’s not much better!

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(Edit) 27/07/2011

Not as bad as some of these reviews make out. Yes it's about torture but it's not gratuitous like Saw or Hostel which I can't stand. I guess it's meant to make you think how far you would allow the situation to go, would you stand by your morals and eventually which is the lesser of the evils.

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