Film Reviews by None

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Crank 2: High Voltage


(Edit) 16/11/2015

This has to be the worst film I have seen from Jason Statham, what a shame after some of his earlier films.

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The Borderlands

One to miss

(Edit) 13/11/2014

Definitely one to miss

It was just like a homemade amateur film with a hand held camera.

Terrible story

Terrible quality

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All Is Lost

Lost for words

(Edit) 03/10/2014

Loved this film - one lone yachtsman against the sea and bad luck, hardly any words (Robert Redford played this character brilliantly, he certainly wouldn't have forgot his lines)

I found the music, and scenes amazing, expecting the character to go back to his memories, families, romances when he was at death's door but no, just kept simple, mysterious and for me compulsive viewing.

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Willow Creek

A film with no ending

(Edit) 23/06/2014

A film made with a camera . A careless couple go camping with no gear or compass searching for bigfoot but get lost and film all sorts of strange things, but you are left wondering what or who has taken them - a bear. the river people or perhaps bigfoot .... a lousy ending

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