TV Series

Rent TV Series to Watch on DVD & Blu-ray

Welcome to our TV Series page. If you wish to watch TV Series on DVD and Blu-ray, is a right place to start. You sign up today, add TV Series you’d like to watch to your rental queue and we rush them to you via Royal Mail. So, to watch a TV Series, take up our no obligation Free Trial offer. What have you got to lose?

Good TV Series to Watch

If you’re looking for a top TV series to watch, you’re in the right place. Catch the latest hit TV series, right here, from much-loved British TV and fun Kids’ TV to laugh-out-loud Comedies and hair-raising Crime. With a limited number of hours in the day to watch TV, sometimes there’s never enough, which is why we’ve pick out a few of our favourites to make the ‘choosing what TV series to watch’ process a whole lot easier.

Breaking Bad

If you want to watch TV shows online, look no further than Breaking Bad – it’s unbelievably addictive. Chemistry teacher, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), discovers he’s dying from an incurable lung cancer, which happened even though he never smoked. His finances a mess, Walter (the once great teacher of science) turns to crime to solve his money issues.

Mad Men

Splendid camerawork, superb dialogue, beautiful garments – Mad Men has it all and makes for a really good TV series to watch. It’s series about ‘50s and ‘60s people in the advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York – a truly classy TV show worthy of anyone looking to understand character development, learn more about ‘60s clothing, hairstyles, décor and current events.

Gossip Girl

If you’re in need of a TV series that touches on a lot of things that happen in real life, like eating disorders, drugs, partying, drinking and sex, Gossip Girl could be just the thing. It’s the ideal TV series to watch, and is based on the popular book series about the outrageous lives of New York’s elite – or rather a gang of wealthy, high-school students who live in the Upper East.


Perhaps one of the best British TV series to watch, Skins shows real-life 16 and 17-year-olds with real problems as they go to college, pursue relationships and try to make their future that little bit less uncertain. The flaws in the characters are what make the TV show so interesting, as each member of the group makes their own way in the world. And we love the soundtrack coupled with brilliant acting. The TV series showcases the teens of today, reminding older folks that even they were young once.

House of Cards

This TV series follows several characters tangled in Washington D.C.’s political scene., such as politicians of various rank and influence (Kevin Spacey is a House Majority Whip in the House of Representatives) and an upcoming reporter played wonderfully by Kate Mara, who you may have seen in the first season of American Horror Story.

Disadvantages of Watching TV Series Online Versus Watching TV Series on DVD

  • Watching free TV series online requires sufficient bandwidth to play, especially at high quality, meaning those with slower connections may experience issues with playback and/or poor quality.
  • Not only that, several movies are often frauds. Whereas watching TV shows on DVD means there’s no skimping on quality.
  • The website you’re using to watch TV shows online may not be trustworthy and might be used to hack your system or to get your personal information.
  • Another disadvantage for people who like to stream TV series online is that when they download them, it may take a long amount of time.

Watch As Many TV Series on DVD as You Like…

Though you can’t watch TV series online here, you can, however, watch as many discs as you wish and keep them for as long as you please. That means no due dates and no late charges. When you’re done, simply post them back to us using the FREEPOST envelope provided. To find out more about how watching TV series works, head over to our ‘How Online DVD Rental Works’ section.

Why not break up your TV series marathon with a good new film in between? We’re sure you’ll find something really great in our New Releases section. Even better, you can reserve cinema releases, so we can send them to you once they’re released on DVD and Blu-ray.

With the right equipment, you can create a cinema-style experience at home and that's why we're advocates of 4K Blu-ray - the best quality entertainment.

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