Film Reviews by AB

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This is Going to Hurt


(Edit) 23/03/2022

Utterly brilliant - this series touched every emotion - hilarious gallows humour through to the heart wrenching portrayal of a failing system, straight from the horse's mouth - so important that this was made on so many levels, least of all an honest tribute to the people working in the NHS under hugely challenging conditions. Ben Whishaw was amazing - the entire production was faultless. Thank you Adam Kay.

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Loving Vincent

A Masterpiece

(Edit) 25/04/2018

What a beautiful tribute to one of the greatest artists to have ever lived. This brought alive the characters he painted and the countryside where he lived and travelled in the most skilful, visually striking way. It was a homage to the great man's genius and told the story of his final year in an original and sensitive way. It gets across the melancholy effortlessly using Vincent's own art style - it is so effective I found myself completely drawn in and absorbing the sadness and at times joy like they were being painted around me. I'm no stranger to the story of Vincent Van Gogh and the struggles he faced - how he put his soul on the canvas like no other before or since - and this piece of work did justice to all in the most captive of ways. I can't recommend this enough.

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The Florida Project

Simplicity turned into Brilliance.

(Edit) 18/04/2018

Just watched an absolute gem. The Florida Project. I've not seen anything quite like it and I was bowled over. Willem Dafoe was strong as always, newcomer Bria Vinaite was outstanding but Brooklynn Prince who played 6 year old Moonie was just another level. I've rarely seen such precocious talent - at first I thought Sean Baker must have let her ad lib her way through. Whether she stuck to a script or not, she has ability way way beyond her years. The cinematography was sublime - the whole thing looks absolutely beautiful which Baker was very clever in contrasting with the social issues raised in the film. I thought his film was simplicity turned into brilliance. Anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it.

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The Vietnam War

A superbly structured, balanced telling of a disastrous tragedy.

(Edit) 26/10/2017

Over the years I have soaked up every film and documentary I could find on the subject of the Vietnam war, and I can say this series is by far the most profoundly complete I have seen. It uses insights from the individuals caught up in it - the Viet Cong & North Vietnamese Army, the US Military & South Vietnamese army, civilians from both sides, politicians and journalists alike, to explain, account and report from the early circumstances causing the build up and outbreak of the war through the fierce intensity at the height of the conflict to the final withdrawal and legacies.

It explores and reports the socio-political aspects, the strategies and technologies, the cultural contrasts of the belligerents and most of all the people fighting it. It gets across the absolute sacrificial determined tenacity of the north Vietnamese and Viet Cong people - hand made IEDs and mind boggling hard graft versus the richest most technically advanced, but often disillusioned, army in the world (not the last time this would happen). It covers every angle - it's the most complete and compelling telling of this tragic yet fascinating landmark in our history that I've come across.

If you have an interest in this significant piece of modern history -the first rock n roll war - which became an unmitigated disaster, this brilliant, powerful and compelling series is absolutely unmissable.

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Brilliantly conceived, dark, compelling and dynamically original thriller.

(Edit) 23/10/2017

When I started watching this, the time line ticking back took a little getting used to but by the end of the first episode I was hooked. This is a very compelling, brilliantly original approach to a whodunit drama. The plot is multi layered and enough is served up at each stage to make not binge watching the next episode almost impossible.

The acting was solid in particular Richard Dormer and Isaac Taylor, with Jodi Balfour proving she really is a standout after her notable previous performance in the excellent adaptation of Max Collins's Quarry.

The directing is subtle, slick, and atmospheric where needed without being over egged.

I highly recommend Rellik. If you enjoy the likes of Luther, you will love this. Allow yourself the full first episode to settle into the style of the writing & time line structure and you will be rewarded by this gem of a series that will keep you guessing through it's twists and turns.

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Opposing standpoints of a modern problem, brilliantly written & directed with solid performances.

(Edit) 21/09/2017

Finished watching Britz and it was excellent on all levels. Another example of Kosminsky portraying multi layers of a complex, deep rooted, fragile sociopolitical issue (as he did so consummately in The Promise). He shows major flaws in opposing cultures but also wills the audience to see things from more than one perspective. By telling the story of cause and effect then revenge, on an individual's level, he portrays the bigger picture brilliantly.

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Public Enemies

Well written British drama with excellent acting.

(Edit) 17/07/2015

Public Enemies is a very strong piece of British TV drama. The subject matter is raw, gritty and rarely touched upon; the post prison trials and tribulations of a man convicted of the most serious of all crimes. The screenplay was superbly written leading to an engaging and compelling production that tugged the heartstrings. Each and every character in this series was well cast and flawlessly portrayed down to the minor roles - so no shortage of talent adding to the overall robustness. Anna Friel and Daniel Mays in particular excelled in their lead role performances truly capturing the depths of their characters. This is well worth anyone's time to enjoy a great story, well directed with great acting.

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