Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 3 reviews and rated 17 films.

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Under Milk Wood

Needlessly over the top styling

(Edit) 01/12/2015

This could have been a brilliant sexy, brooding and quirky film. As it stands it is simply a crazed, inaccessible, headache-inducing 'romp' through the Dylan Thomas verse; admitedly probably exactly as the man himself would have intended and mirroring his state of mind, but not easy to view as a simple piece of entertainment - I guess that may be the precise point of it but art can get to a point where it is too self-indulgent on the behalf of those that produced it and what is the point of that?

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Great scenery, story is a little 'laboured'...

(Edit) 26/11/2015

This is a stunning looking film and great that it brought one woman's true (and I'm sure) very well written troubled story to the big screen. However, it does labour the 'points' a little too much and some of the supporting cast are just plain irritating!...

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The Wolf of Wall Street

High octane!

(Edit) 07/01/2015

This film presses all the buttons in terms of sex, drugs and rock and roll (and lots of money!) but its psychopathic (almost exhausting to watch!) pace leaves you in no doubt that this is not a world in which you'd want to live in! Cleverly crafted modern fable.

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