Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 2 reviews and rated 9 films.

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The Expendables

Go and watch some paint'll enjoy it more

(Edit) 10/07/2011

Let's make this really simple...

...if you like Arnie, go watch The Terminator

...if you like Sly, go watch Rambo

...if you like Willis, go watch Die Hard

...if you like Statham, go watch The Transporter

...I think you can see where this is going. Whatever you do, save yourself the misery of wasting your life on this over-rated excuse of a film. No one in their right mind should accept this as anything but a blot on the careers of these action flick legends!

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The Social Network

Like Marmite, you'll love it or hate it...

(Edit) 01/06/2011

This really is a marmite movie in that it's as much a documentary about the rise of Facebook as it is an entertaining film; if you have an interest in the subject matter, you'll find this movie thoroughly enjoyable and an easy watch, but you'll hate it if not. The film really does highlight the lengths people will go to for money and the cut-throat nature of self-made billionaires.

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