Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 5 reviews and rated 6 films.

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The Shape of Water

over rated

(Edit) 21/11/2018

When I read the synopsis of this film, I felt that it sounded interesting, especially after all the hype. I liked the look of the film and thought some of the acting especially by Sally Hawkins was good, but there my interest ended. Sally Hawkins was too good for this film - she should have run a mile when she saw the script.

It was laughable the way the "secret classified experiment" was discovered so easily by two cleaners walking through an unlocked, unguarded door.

The Russians had the worse lines of the lot and the actors manfully tried to make it seemed real, but it was awfully cartoonish. Cardboard cut-out Russians if ever I saw some.

Strickland was the worse character of the lot, being completely evil - very little real acting, just a lot of nasty words and actions, delivered with a nasty voice and a screwed up face.

This film wasn't a comedy, but my second bout of laughter began when, when Strickland's fingers got sewn back on and he was back at work the following day, with very little pain. When he finally pulled off the blackened stumps, I'd lost interest.

This film made no attempt to be believable. If the audience have no compassion for the characters, then a film has no hope, because we just don't care. I saw the film through to the bitter end, knowing full well what the outcome would be, and yes, she's not only deaf, but she can breath underwater!! And it all ended happily ever after.

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An interesting insight

(Edit) 14/01/2015

This film was excellently filmed and acted. The people who had been in the background when John Kennedy was assassinated were bought to the fore. These were people who tried to save his life, but have never been mentioned before. The events surrounding this sad event have been explored many times, but it was interesting to have a different viewpoint presented. This film is definitely worth viewing.

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The Invisible Woman

Promised a lot but gave very little

(Edit) 14/01/2015

At the outset this period drama looked excellent. Good cast, and brilliantly filmed. It was however at least 30 minutes too long. There were many long drawn out irrelevant scenes. You then find that you had missed out on anything that was relevant because the story jumped ahead. It was presumed the watcher would know what was going on. All of a sudden Charles Dickens had set up his girlfriend in a house and was having a relationship with her. (When had that happened?) Up until then any involvement with her had just been alluded to. She then had a stillbirth and said a tearful goodbye to Dickens and it later turned out she was still having a relationship with him. Confusing. Sadly I will never get those minutes back that I wasted watching this film.

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Generation War


(Edit) 23/12/2014

Generation War is a wonderfully crafted series. It is well acted, and the script is brilliant. It is interesting to see the developments of war from the German perspective. Some Germans were portrayed as cruel and ruthless, mostly how we have always portrayed them ourselves. Some, however, were portrayed as decent, ordinary people who were scared of war and didn't understand it. If this series was a film, it would have surely won an Oscar, it is that good.

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Game of Thrones: Series 3

A bit of a let down

(Edit) 18/11/2014

I looked forward to seeing this film, but once watched I felt that the film had disappointed me. It had all the credentials for a good block buster, but felt that it was all style over content. Not happy to just stick to the Bible story which is amazing in itself, we had Roy Winstone hamming it up. That guy could just not be killed. There were the ridiculous monsters made of rock who could talk, which looked like something out of The Lord of The Rings. Apparently they had been sent to earth by God. Really? Half way through the film, Noah sported a crew cut. Wondered where they got the scissors from? By the finish, I was bored and just wanted it to end.

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