Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 19 reviews and rated 85 films.

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Che: Part 1

Be warned, matchsticks required

(Edit) 14/10/2009

I am used to watching subtitled films so the thought of watching parts one and two I felt undaunting, however nothing prepared me for the death defyingly slow story line that ensues. David Lean would have cropped an hour of the total of these two films and you might be left with a great film. The acting and camera work are superb. This I feel was intended to be a big political statement on behalf of a great man but turns out an endless tramp through jungle with politics as the conversation piece.

I normaly love this type of film but it fell far short of expectation.

The extra added problem is awaiting part two to arrive this does not make a difficult film easy.

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Che: Part 2

see part one

(Edit) 14/10/2009

please see part one review. The second part follows much the same as the first and in total I was mighty relieved when the experience was over.

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Romance and Cigarettes

Exhausted Plot

(Edit) 05/09/2008

In this Potteresque(Dennis not Henry) production. Where it is always refreshing to see people burst into song when it fits the plot. I really thought I was in for a treat for the first half hour. Sadly unlike Potter the plot runs into a tired repitition of so many films and the ending is an excuse for a more original ending. Shame because it had a lot going for it but at the end needed,this time, Harry Potter

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Merci La Vie


(Edit) 11/09/2008

It has to be said I cannot agree with CP write up to this film, primarily, I agree, because I don't understand it. It is a maelstrom of false beginnings and you find yourself back at the start after gleaming information enroute. So much is never satisfactory explained. Having said that I love this type of film. Imagine Salvor Dali on drugs, hold on tight and watch the film. For me,unusually there was no pee breaks so that is a good qualification in itself. Surrealism to blow your brains and enjoyable.

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Lady Chatterley

Lawrence in french

(Edit) 17/09/2008

I must first confess I have never read the book, his short stories were enough, and I am unsure that the endings concur. However I did enjoy this and was surprised to see it had average rating. How do you set 'dark satanic mills' in France. Well you don't the film is set in England just in french. The acting,and casting, I thought superb and the cinemaphotography matched the quality required. Lawrence's feelings toward 'the upper and lower class' and woman shine through. If you enjoyed Joely/Bean version you will certainly enjoy this for I give it a slight edge.

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The Night Is Young

Night is Young

(Edit) 18/09/2008

Director Carax seems to set a standard for the 80's a stunning film which seems to draw atmosphere from every scene. A tale of a young man desperate to find a goal in life an old gangster fighting to stay alive and Anna(Binoche) the link between them and wanting them both.

I still find it difficult to belief that Binoche aged twentytwo could supply such a performance at the beginning of her career. To most they would consider it their peak.

Outstanding film and performances that leaves you thinking and needing more.

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Someone Else

Something Else

(Edit) 29/09/2008

Well at seventy seven minutes long you would hope for a short and gripping tale. Alas two episodes of Doctor Who is more gripping and considerably longer. You do ponder what this film is all about and then you realise 'this is it' a simple story of a man trying to find love if only he knew what it was then he could settle. Overall it lacks humour and its pace is like that of old British Rail,slow. It seems its purpose is to show us how bleak life and film making can be. Why is it always raining? Thomas Hardy would love it.

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Battle of the Brave

Matchstick Usage Advised

(Edit) 02/10/2008

I got this film in anticipation of an epic on the battle for Quebec. It was not. All you see for the supposed battle is some Howitzers going off for four minutes and that's it. The rest is the story of the politics of the time wrapped around a lengthy love story. Despite its excellent photography,costumes and acting I was so reliefed when it finished and I could go to bed.

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Female Agents

Female Agents disc 1

(Edit) 01/04/2009

Excellent WW2 romp through occupied France based according to director on a true story. Cannot refute this just a bit cynnical about 'based on true story' ethic.Disc one deals with the fact and fiction however shall stop at one. If you like WW2 stories,especially Black Book then this is for you.Well acted and realistic. Deserves a five or a four

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Nothing About Robert

Rien Sur Robert

(Edit) 01/04/2009

Liked this and it does keep you glued for quite some time. Robert is a man who fears commitment and wonders from day to day expecting to be guided and you wonder if he has emmotion at all. A good story in the classic french line with some stupendous acting, yes I would recommend it.

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Edvard Munch


(Edit) 07/05/2009

If you have any love of art and need to know the life of Edvard Munch, this will tell you. Cleverly coordinating his life and feelings with that of his creativity and particular paintings of that time. Be warned however for some this will take some watching but I found it compulsive viewing. You are left with understanding how a true artist persues his art to the very point of insanity. A great piece.Amazing the americans have not copied it.

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A Bunch of Amateurs

Not written for Reynolds?

(Edit) 13/05/2009

A good film by Reynolds playing the vain actor desperate to save career moves to Britain to do Lear in Stratford. Alas wrong Stratford and he is stuck with a load of amateurs. What is very evident in this is that Reynolds cannot do Shakespeare he of course is not intended to but sadly I don't think he can and he is not right for this part.Art imitating life. However this has a good cast with some tremendous performances and does have its amusing moments.

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Great tale no matter what truth is

(Edit) 24/05/2009

A film that captures the time and a never before seen intrigue of what I always thought was a simple interview. It manages to grip you from beginning to end with acting performances as good as the story. A real treat. Only comment for me is that neither look like the people they portay,though they sound like them. Anthony Hopkins would have been great to reprise his role. Still it remains another good yarn based on fact. If you liked 'JFK' or '13 days' you will enjoy this.

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A must see

(Edit) 26/05/2009

I was not looking forward to watching what is basically a Hallmark style film. However this is so well done it does leave you slighly aghast at the corruption of the US of A at this time. Well acted but so well directed you never get bored.

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When Will I Be Loved

Don't Hold Your Breath

(Edit) 16/07/2009

Didn't 'Hate it' I just managed to dislike it.An odd film with a very simple story and in truth this is what lets it down. Basically a girls semi boyfriend acts as a pimp to sell the body of Vera(Campell) to an elderly rich man and his plan is to get the money. In this we are ,cough, led to believe that Campell just wants to be loved. No real substance lets this down which is a shame because the acting was good.

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