Film Reviews by NW

Welcome to NW's film reviews page. NW has written 8 reviews and rated 52 films.

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Ramblin, but

(Edit) 13/12/2021

This film has been praised for its script and acting, but I found it rambling and undisciplined, with no plot to speak of. It's sometimes difficult to know what's going on. Tom Hiddleston does his best to keep it together, and it's good to see the under-rated Sienna Miller doing something substantial.

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Come as You Are


(Edit) 27/12/2020

A great film: well written and acted. A film that is "about something" and is not justmindless. Recommended.

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Ghost Stories

A bit tedious

(Edit) 02/07/2019

I don't share the general enthusiasm for this picture. Perhaps I shouldn't have watched the extras, which I found irritatingly self-congatulatory.

It struck me as a film made by friends, who had found three good locations for (rather cliched) ghost story sequences and then tried to spin a story across them. I didn't find it very scary, and I didn't understand the ending (though my younger son sort-of explained it to me). Some good sound and visual effects, not much more.

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Unfriended: Dark Web

Too clever for its own good

(Edit) 08/06/2019

I agree with most of the other reviewers, especially with the observation that the messages on the lap top are hard to read (too small for me).

The film is probably the bright idea of a computer geek, and in many ways is technically very accomplished. But the execution leaves something to be desired, not least the plot.

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Intelligent drama

(Edit) 04/06/2019

The film has a good cast and deals with an important, if slightly complicated, subject. I thought Rachel Weisz was good in the main part and helped bring out one of the themes of the film: how Lipstadt's very direct American approach clashed with the much more cautious and methodical British legal system. The film is less helpful on how exactly David Irving transgressed and why (spoiler) he lost the libel action. An intelligent and enjoyable film, none the less.

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Doesn't work

(Edit) 09/03/2019

Don't be misled by the title. This isn't a wacky comedy in the vein of Honey I Shrunk The Kids. It's more an ambitious eco-drama which despite some good ideas and star names, comes off the rails about half way through. Matt Damon does a worthy job holding it all together, Christopher Waltz is over the top, and Wiig is wasted. Hong Chau is by far the best actor in it. Once the story got to Norway, o

It had lost me. A sincere effort but muddled.

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L'Amant Double


(Edit) 14/02/2019

I agree with the two other reviewers. Tedious and pretentious. How this film, or either of the lead actors, got nominated for a awards is beyond me.

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Tell No One

Intriguing but confusing

(Edit) 10/12/2018

Well made thriller with a strong cast. Excellent use of locations (mainly in Paris), with some very taut set pieces, including a made dash across a motorway and a game of cat-and-mouse in a park. But it's let down by a confusing and frankly unbelievable plot. It needs one of the characters to explain it all in the last reel, and I am not sure I followed him!

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