Film Reviews by Dr Waerdnotte

Welcome to Dr Waerdnotte's film reviews page. Dr Waerdnotte has written 19 reviews and rated 255 films.

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The Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles disappear up Paul McCartney's Arse

(Edit) 18/08/2022

As Ian McDonald, author of Revolution in the Head pointed out when writing about the music, this was made when the Beatles thought they a could shit in a bucket and it would still be successful. It is quite obviously McCartney's project. He and Ringo are central to most of the film with Ringo effortlessly out acting him. John and George obviously couldn't give a shit and barely engage with the process. The outcome is an exceedingly poor version of the quintessentially 60s British movie which owes a lot to Richard Lester and films like The Knack with a hint of Jodorowsky. If it wasn't The Beatles it would have disappeared without trace never to be seen again, however, its only saving grace is the music, so worth it for that (the sound quality on the Blu Ray is magnificent). If you expect to be entertained don't bother, however, for a reminder of just what you could get away with in the British film and music industry of the 1960s if you were successful, then give it a go, it's only 53 minutes of your life you'll never get back!

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The Edge of the World

Beautiful Piece of Social History

(Edit) 06/11/2020

A beautifully directed and acted film. The simple story perfectly encapsulates the dilemma faced by small island communities between the first and second world wars. Facing poor harvests, the migration of its younger people, and the lack of efficient transport and communications with the mainland, those left on the island have to come to terms with the fact that their way of life is no longer viable. Michael Powell throws into the mix tragedy, melodrama and soundtrack that is both haunting and uplifting, and with it creates a thing of beauty.

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Dreadful Generation Z Trash

(Edit) 06/11/2020

Utter rubbish. As other reviewers have pointed out a bunch of vile bullies intimidating younger students with a side story of cannibalism. If it's true that cinema goers found some of the movie so overwhelming they passed out then frankly they need to get out more. If the demographic this is aimed at want to watch some decent horror check out Ari Aster's and Jordan Peele's work. Avoid like the there's a movie idea!

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The Bigamist

Poor qualities

(Edit) 28/08/2018

I only managed ten minutes as the transfer quality was so poor. It looks like a transfer from video tape so the image is blurred and out of focus r needing the film unwatchable unless of course you don't mind your movies looking like your running a vhs video through an old Tv.

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