Film Reviews by JP

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(Edit) 10/02/2023

Didn't expect it to be subtitled. This should be made much clearer so that you can decide to watch or not.

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Willy's Wonderland

Willy's Blunderland

(Edit) 29/05/2021

This is probably the worst film I've ever watched. It has perfect examples of ham acting, poor dialog, and continuity glitches (Cage has a scar on his face before he actually gets that wound from an animatronic character) The effects are the cheapest, nastiest, most pathetic you could imagine. Cages unbelievable, deranged, silent character allows murder and mayhem to continue while he plays pinball. You know that thing people say about bad movies "There's 'x' amount of your life you'll never get back." You have no one to blame now but yourself if you watch it. Honestly it's 1hr 29mins of your life that you could better spend on almost anything else.

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