Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 8 reviews and rated 43 films.

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(Edit) 27/02/2007

Will Smith brings his smooth style once again to the big screen. His persona and charm helps a so-so plot along, and a one-dimensional leading lady character which didn't help- though the use of outrageous special effects and make up (you'll see what I mean! YUK!) was the worst thing they could have done. However by the end of the film I was still laughing and felt that it was a good couple of hours spent. I recommend it for couples looking to spend a fun night in!!

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The Interpreter


(Edit) 27/02/2007

A weak plot and even weaker characters will make you regret watching this one- even after 15 minutes in. Nicole Kidman is miscast here- she is just too clean & pretty for this- and you feel that Penn is being lazy. However you do get to see the insides of the UN HQ! I really cannot recommend this film- however bored you might be.

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The Stepford Wives


(Edit) 27/02/2007

A really cute film that does away with the scary undertones of the original film. Sure it loses it's flavour- but gains in other ways- a real sense of humour and top acting by Kidman, Close, Walken & Broderick! Oh- and there is a twist in the tale- which you'll never see coming! Recommended for Saturday nights with ice-cream. Not recommended for purists!

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Man on Fire


(Edit) 27/02/2007

Denzel has grown with the years to become an actor who can command the screen. And in this film he does just that. His portrayal of a man tortured who finds hope- a man to whom violence is his nature, but who discovers gentleness within him- is above all things, beleivable. A Warning though- there are moments in this film that will make you wince (like when he despatches his enemies). Recommended for watching with a group of friends (mixed).

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Big Fish


(Edit) 27/02/2007

If you enjoy beautiful fairytales, lush cinematography, and watching the end credits with a glow in your belly- this is the film for you. If you hate strung-together vignettes and Helena Bonham-Carter, then avoid this one. Recommended for overcast Saturday afternoons, or the last film in a DVD marathon before bedtime.

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Sin City


(Edit) 27/02/2007

I remember reading the graphic novels years ago- watching this film was like reading them again. Frame by frame. The cinematography and the whole mood of the film is done superbly. The characters and strands of the stories are brough to life. No. made LARGER than life by skillful direction and an undeniably strong screenplay as every scene had to be approved by Frank Miller himself!. Highly recommended, especially with all the lights off and the curtains drawn.

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The Incredibles


(Edit) 27/02/2007

Kids will love this film. And they will be jealous that the Adults love it too. Soooo many times in the film you will catch yourself thinking 'that joke/scene/costume/ was just spot on'. And that's just how this film works- everything just seems to hit the right buttons. All those childhood memories of playing superheroes merge with exactly what you now know about life, work, and family. A great film for all the family. Recommended for a friday post-dinner night treat. And then the morning after again!(To catch all those jokes you missed!)

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The Day After Tomorrow


(Edit) 27/02/2007

An okay attempt at apocalypse. Great special effects depict the super-sudden return of the ice-age well, though you'd have thought scientist and the military, and the Canadians would have known about it a little sooner. The main characters are unfortunately overly heroic, and their actions a little far fetched. Deep Impact did this style of film better, and with more pathos. Recommended for reconciling rebellious teenagers with their parents whose love know no bounds. And mid-week nights.

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