Film Reviews by MK

Welcome to MK's film reviews page. MK has written 3 reviews and rated 81 films.

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28 Weeks Later


(Edit) 06/09/2011

What an utterly pointless film. A poor attempt to cash in on the superb 28 Days Later. Save yourself from a few wasted hours and avoid this film.

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Perrier's Bounty

A waste

(Edit) 14/04/2011

A disappointing film in so many ways. I have been a fan of Brendan Gleeson for ages and was looking forward to seeing him play opposite Cillian Murphy. The film tried to capture the feel of other Dublin gangster movies with the overly verbose language and the casual approach to violence, mixed in with a charming sense of humour. Unfortunately it failed miserably on each count. Cliché after cliché filled my screen. The worst bit of all though was Jim Broadbent’s woeful attempt at an Irish accent. As a Dubliner myself, it had me cringing every time he spoke. It would have been better to let him use his normal accent and give "Michael" and English father.

A wasted cast and a missed opportunity.

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Knocked Up


(Edit) 25/10/2010

This is without a doubt, one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I am considering ending my friendship with the person who recommended it to me.

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