Film Reviews by Ps

Welcome to Ps's film reviews page. Ps has written 3 reviews and rated 9 films.

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24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters

Not about old classic movie posters

(Edit) 13/11/2018

This film is about artists who have created new posters of old films like 'Night of the hunter'.

There's nothing about old posters like king Kong ect.Lots of interviews with present day movie poster wasn't my cup of tea.

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Two Thousand Maniacs!

Good Disc

(Edit) 22/06/2018

The disc also had Lewis's next film 'Moonshine Mountain' on it which I found boring.

2000 maniacs is great though.

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Forbidden Planet

Great film,great extras.

(Edit) 24/04/2018

Great to see forbidden planet again and excellent extras on the disc including the film invisible boy.

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