Film Reviews by MW

Welcome to MW's film reviews page. MW has written 6 reviews and rated 7 films.

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The Electrical Life of Louis Wain

How to waste a great cast

(Edit) 08/11/2022

The actors do what they can but this film is a mess. The story - bizarre to begin with - is erratic and mis-jointed, the script rambling and the direction clumsy. It needed a lot more editing, both of script and of final cut. If anything it teaches us how important aspects other than fine acting are to making a good film.

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The Good Liar

The cast are better than the film

(Edit) 29/01/2021

It looked like a sure-fire success given who's in it, but I'm afraid it isn't. The script is convoluted, the set-up predictable (and guessable), the direction leaden. As a result it drags on until you want to have it put down out of pity.

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Upright: Series 1

Boy, this is good

(Edit) 11/01/2021

Tim Minchin further extends his well-earned Midas touch in this Australian TV series. The story of a middle aged man crossing the desert towing a piano, accompanied by a runaway adolescent girl might not sound promising material but it proves to be the perfect setting for adventures that will have you laughing, and then crying, as it turns on a sixpence. My wife and I loved it so much we sincerely hope they avoid the temptation to make a second series. Nothing should be allowed to spoil this one, which is magnificent.

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Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool

A proper little charmer

(Edit) 10/04/2019

A small film in the nicest possible way, this warm romance - based on truth - boasts several stand-out performances (notably Bening and Bell) along with a deft directorial touch.

It doesn't turn the world upside down but it isn't trying to.

An enjoyable, romantic, night-in sort of a film.

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Whisky Galore!

A feelgood story,but not a feelgood film

(Edit) 01/11/2018

I wanted to like this film, but....

The cast is promising and the story comfy, so it ought to work but it doesn't.

While some performances are nuanced, poor Eddie Izzard's is decidedly not.

The script is predictable.

The direction is pedestrian.

The cinematography lacks the beauty one would hope for.

It isn't quite awful, but it's a close-run thing at times, I'm afraid.

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Love and Mercy

Terrific if the subject interests you

(Edit) 25/10/2017

It did me. Yes some of the acting is a bit hammy (though the young Brian is magnificent) but the recreation of the early-period recordings and falling out is magnificent, as is the music (natch). While I enjoyed it a lot, I felt that it was too one paced and, in places one dimensional, to really grab the interest of someone who didn't come to the film already wanting to watch it. I did. If you don't, then beware.

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