Film Reviews by robin

Welcome to robin's film reviews page. robin has written 14 reviews and rated 112 films.

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(Edit) 06/06/2021

I'm about to reorder this film.. I watched it on release in the cinema ... So this review is done by memory... which in itself is startling, given the amount of films I watch....The film is as the title suggests... And to this day I don't think a film has had such a deep lasting effect... in the opening scene You are thrown into narrativly unsupported act of violence... And the story unfolds... Is this how violence unfolds in 'real life' ? I honestly don't know... However if your into a diferent challenging bold realistic / experimental cinema... NOT necessarily including a 'pleasant feel good exp.. then this film fits the bill

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self indulgent demi porn

(Edit) 20/05/2021

By the intensity and earnestness of this 'film' I'm sure the film makers are convinced they are uncovering and making some sort of historical statement... Well what ever the intention was, it' miss's the mark and fails to tell anything that resembles a plot.. quite how this ended up on the Cannes horizons is quite beyond me. Even the cinematography was poor... imo A waste of, what was I presume a decent budget.

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Saint Maud


(Edit) 12/05/2021

As powerful a statement and portrayal of mental health as I've seen...don't really want to say more.. however.. ..................shame it has to be labelled horror or phycological drama cos it not's a bold statement that's handled with empathy and care........well styled though I thought the locations could have been 'used' more...

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The White Balloon

all time favs

(Edit) 07/04/2021

A gentle.innocent tale capturing the delight and frustration of childhood and interaction with the adult world ...

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The Bureau

A gem

(Edit) 21/07/2020

Great acting, tremendous directing .. and gripping plots. Imo up there with the all time great TV series.. s 5 is out can't wait to watch it.

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Only You

nothing memeorable .

(Edit) 16/07/2020

Spoilers beware.. Decently acted directed and filmed

.. Couple falls in love tries for a kid... And ultimalty love wins... Yeah tried and tested formula.. but the story ultimately fails to make its mark in this genre.

Tbh.. it was a touch boring

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Dasepo Naughty Girls


(Edit) 29/06/2020

Were to start... First of all this is A GOOD FILM.. gret imagination, great direction well filmed and excellent editing ... Havnt read the 'comic strips' but it's a tale of school kids on the ending of their acedemia.. dealing even handedly with stereotypical rich asian kids with little regad for anything to extremely poor kids with an overt respect for society and what it's made them into.. if it's got a fault this film deals with so many current topical issues, trangemders transsexuality, korean mores the list goes on and on .so many not one stands out... Tbh .. I nearly didn't watch this film the write up didnt exactly appeal..

To conclude . À. FILM TO WATCH and recommend.

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The Bureau: Series 4

best ever

(Edit) 01/11/2019

just simply excellent, up there with the all times greats like 'the wire'., The whole 4 series has great acting, great direction,and are all round superb

a note of its measure Jacques Audiard will be directing some of series 5 , cant wait.

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I Got Life!

feel good ish

(Edit) 24/07/2019

some strong acting performances and solid enuf misjudged lovers reunion scene didnt totally spoil a reasonable well put together feel goodish movie

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(Edit) 22/07/2019

not often do i not watch films to the end but i felt wasted 30 mins on this 'film' imo it .offered little plot, poor charectisation and overall nothing that pointed to any hope of the likelyhood any form of entertainment . i can see the point of experimental film making. madelines madeline being the last 'main stream' one i thoroughly enjoyed . Mandy 4 me was just pretentious indulgent dribble

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Happy End


(Edit) 31/07/2018

seemingly dysfunctionaly structured yet strangely balanced and engaging drama on a wealthy privileged yet grounded french extended family . no star studded parts but overall many characters with strong performances,.

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interesting ,,,

(Edit) 14/09/2018

i'm a huge fan but from a cinematic point this has to go down as over indulgent.,, however , if it helped work his issues out and move on ,,, job done.

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A Gentle Creature


(Edit) 10/09/2018

A poor piece of cinema , over long and indulgent to the point of boring. baring the main actor little or no character development,cinematically no sense of composition, poor scripting The only possible plus is its meant to give an an insight into modern day russia, well this shows the majority to be devious shallow and nasty and small mindedly ignorant and if thats an accurate picture of russia today under Putin, heaven help russia of tommorow.

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Happy End


(Edit) 31/07/2018

seemingly dysfunctionaly structured yet strangely balanced and engaging drama on a wealthy privileged yet grounded french extended family . no star studded parts but overall many characters with strong performances,.

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