Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 7 reviews and rated 54 films.

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Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa

A TV sketch turned into a film

(Edit) 14/03/2014

They had just about enough material for a sketch on a comedy show, but chose to make a film instead. Why? True, it has a few laughs in it, and some good ideas, but it wears thin very quickly.

Tedious and annoying.

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Seven Psychopaths

Refreshingly different

(Edit) 31/01/2014

I know you should expect a film with this title to have psychopaths in it, but I was expecting it to be more about the process of writing a book. Having said that, the premise is interesting, and the characters engaging. It is well cast and very well acted. I confess I found it disturbing rather than amusing, and ultimately quite upsetting - but good cinema. It makes a change from a lot of the other stuff that's out there.

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Tragic but engaging

(Edit) 02/01/2014

A very well made, well acted film, beautifully filmed. The little girl is remarkable. A lesson in getting your ideas across without laying them on with a trowel.

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Engaging cinema

(Edit) 26/11/2013

British cinema at its best. This film is extremely well cast and the acting is excellent. Very well scripted, it keeps your attention throughout.

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(Edit) 10/11/2013

This film is good on so many levels. The man himself reveals so much about his thoughts and actions. The photographs and film footage are fascinating and quite stunning. The interviews are revealing. The film is not just about war, although it is a large part of it, but it certainly makes the point very starkly that war is about the destruction of lives, first and foremost. There are some interesting footnotes about the politics of British journalism as well.

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Life of Pi

Inspirational cinema

(Edit) 24/09/2013

I loved the book, and thought I would hate the film, as it seemed to me like the last book that anyone should attempt to make a film of. How wrong I was! I found the film deeply absorbing, and highly recommend it. Beautifully filmed, well acted, simply good cinema.

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Comme si, comme ça.

(Edit) 08/09/2013

The opening sequence tells you just how much this film is going to satirise the two decades it is set in. The casting was excellent, and the times were well portrayed, remembering this is France, not the UK.

Some enjoyable moments, and some serious points about women in the workplace.

It was nearly good, and I enjoyed it, but it would have benefited with thinning out a bit - as could Gerald Depardieu!

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