Film Reviews by None

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Cabin Fever 1

Don't Even Be Tempted

(Edit) 28/02/2005

I know some people love this film, but if you are a blood thirsty lass, and hear that this film is good and watch it, you will be very disappointed. The only good bits are when the girlds face is rotting away and the other gril is shaving her legs and taking a layer of rotten flesh at the same time, the rest is pathetic. I think the script writer must of got bored in some parts and just starts making no sense, I did ask myself why oh why! I couldn't sleep for weeks - not!

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Freaky Friday


(Edit) 28/02/2005

I was not expecting much from a Disney Film (exceptions are Disney cartoons such as the loveable Lion King), but this film rocks! It is totally cool.

Highly strung mom and Rock teenage daughter swap bodies basically, and try to live each others lives.

I enjoyed this film very much so (and not a single drop of blood in sight)

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Girl, Interrupted


(Edit) 28/02/2005

I have sene this film a couple of times before, it is very good I find.

It has good acting, good script and is quite funny in parts.

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Flash Gordon

Is This Porn???

(Edit) 28/02/2005

If you watched this film when you were 9 years old you have to rent it again! It certainly has hidden meanings! It still a good film (although not as good when you were 9 years old and we did not have the lord of the rings to compare the graphics too) and often my friend and I were wondering is this some sort of light hearted porn!!! Very Funny If You Have a Rude Mind!!! Totally Cheesey, But We Love Cheese!

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Watership Down

Hop Along Quick to Rent This

(Edit) 28/02/2005

Sorry about the title!!

If you like liddle Bunnies, but something a bit more serious that Animals of Farthing Wood, then you must get this film. Its a must for adults and kids. It is not childish as some of these cartoons are. It has good bunnies and evil bunnies (and quite evil they are too) and a french seagull, hmm, it is also quite sad in some places. I am slighly biased as i like rabbits (but who doesn't)!

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Ichi the Killer

Very Weird - A Cross Between Kill Bill & Some British Gangster

(Edit) 28/02/2005

When I first Began Watching This Film I had to wonder.. these Japanese Men Talking (not in sync as well) in British accents, I was wondering if this film was going to be any good.

But then the nasty things started and well at one point I had to actually look away (and I love all gore and nastyness!). Once You get used to the accents is very good, I found it to be a bit like Kill Bill 1 with all the blood and guts splattered everywhere, but with the accents thrown in, a bit like a British Gangster Film.

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Cannibal Holocaust

Not Sure If I Liked it or NOT

(Edit) 28/02/2005

This film was banned and rated shocking, obviously that was the 70's but I found the film a bit strange. The first half of the film is watchable but a bit dull, it is only when you see whe actual footage of the young people in the jungle, tormeting and being just cruel is when it starts to get interesting. The last sort of 20 mins I would say is the best part of the film. I would watch this again but maybe skip the first half! (When the gore starts it starts, although not as nasty as some of the modern day film I would say, but still pretty f****d up)

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The Hills Have Eyes


(Edit) 28/02/2005

It is a good idea to watch the trailer before you watch the film, the trailer is really cheesey announcing the title of the film several times in a cheesey way, hah it was laughable, but I watched the film and it was quite entertaining! Not That Gory or Scary but a watchable film!

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Salò o le 120 Giornate di Sodoma


(Edit) 15/03/2005

I watched this and it was very bizarre! I wouldn't say it was shocking, but there are some pretty minging things these young people have to do. It kept me watching and would give it maybe a 6 1/2 - 7 out of ten. It is subtitled, but that didn't bother me. It is mostly about making people eat poo I would say, but at the end people get tourtered, although u don't see the full extent you get the idea, you get to see toungue cut out, eye gauged out and a ladies scalp cut and peeled, hmmm. U will have to watch it to understand..

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Devil's Advocate

One of Keanus Best Film

(Edit) 28/02/2005

Keanu Reeves has had some pretty crap films, well ok, not bad films, but this is really good. You have to watch it to believe it!

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