Film Reviews by MM

Welcome to MM's film reviews page. MM has written 6 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Salt and Fire

what were you thinking Werner?

(Edit) 16/09/2021

Oh dear what a shambles.

The plot is irredeemably odd - American CEO kidnaps UN delegation (straight off international flight from Europe?), holds them hostage and then takes them to the place where they were going anyway?

The dialogue is clunky, wooden and atrocious. It's full of 2nd rate philosophising and there's shades of white man gone crazy in wild a la Heart of Darkness.

The casting is just bizarre. What is respected astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss doing here? Acting badly that's what. Sometimes in a wheelchair sometimes not, sometimes brandishing a machine gun unconvincingly.

I could go on, but let's just hope this turkey gathers dust on the shelf.

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The Act of Killing


(Edit) 27/07/2021

Absolutely riveting viewing. In 1965 over 3 million 'communists' were murdered in Indonesia after the army coup. Most were not communists but simply of ethnic Chinese background. No killer was ever tried in court, there was never any enquiry or national apology.

Joshua Oppenheimer (dir.) meets the killers who are now respectable grandfathers and, in some cases, well known in their community. Oppenheimer asks them to act out those days of mayhem for the camera.

Many of the scenes are absolutely heart breaking and gut wrenching as assassins explain their methods and act out terrible scenes with disarming honesty.

A must see.

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The Piano


(Edit) 12/07/2021

A fascinating depiction of love, lust and power in Victorian New Zealand.

The cast is on great form. The landscape so powerful it becomes almost another cast member.

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what was that?

(Edit) 10/03/2021

Despite being beautifully filmed with some great action sequences (the heist on the moving truck), you know the film is in deep trouble when 3/4 of the way through one character has to explain the plot to the other in great detail.

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Suburbs are hell (and children don't help!)

(Edit) 09/12/2020

Trapped in the suburbs with a mortgage and screaming kids? This is the film for you.

Creepy, bizarre, unsettling, not exactly laugh a minute but some black humour mixed in with the scary stuff....

A film that stays in your mind....

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(Edit) 03/06/2020

Maybe not for everyone but this film is absolutely nuts. A great satire on off the wall, avant garde artists and their artistic endeavours transforms itself at the end into a moving comment on mental health. I loved it, my partner didn't get it all.

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