Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 6 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Tamara Drewe

Quite true to the comic strip

(Edit) 06/10/2012

I was pleasantly surprised by this film as I'd been told to expect disappointment as a fan of Tamara Drew in the newspaper. However, I thought it portrayed the setting and characters really well - particularly the schoolgirls obsessed with Tamara's life and rock star boyfriend. Those scenes were well acted and very funny and I eneded up really enjoying the film despite its bad press.

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London to Brighton

Desperately sad and brilliantly acted

(Edit) 06/10/2012

A grim portrayal of life as a street kid or sex worker in the heart of London. The female leads are excellent and you really feel their terror as the situation spirals out of their control. The climax is shocking and brutal but not totally unexpected, with some hope of safety or a better life for at least some of the characters.

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Red Road

Bleak and believably acted

(Edit) 06/10/2012

This film hooks you in by using the main character's job (CCTV control room operator) as a viewpoint on the dark side of the city. For a while I had no idea what she was doing and why she was watching certain people but as the story unfolds, you really feel her grief and start to understand what she is trying to do. The film leaves you with a mix of emotions and asks difficult questions of the viewer.

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The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Beautifully understated

(Edit) 06/10/2012

A great movie with a real wild west feeling. Poignant performances from the leads with black humour and empathy in spades.

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We Need to Talk About Kevin

Good, but stick to the book

(Edit) 09/05/2012

I think Tilda Swinton's acting in this film was exceptional, as was that of the various children playing her son. However, there was far too much jumping around from time to time and if I hadn't read the book, I would have really struggled to know what was going on in some scenes. The book, based on letters written by Eva (Swinton) to her husband is far more moving, deep and hard hitting.

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Never Let Me Go

Even better than the book

(Edit) 28/02/2012

Even better than the book and that's something I don't usually say. Haunting, beautifully filmed and acted and absolutely heartbreaking.

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