Film Reviews by Mitch

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Loved this film

(Edit) 10/01/2015

I was riveted by the film, I thought Liam Neeson was great. Just don't watch it if you're a young female thinking of travelling abroad with your mates though!

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No Country for Old Men

Great Films

(Edit) 10/01/2015

Javier Bardem is creepily awesome in this film. Tommy Lee Jones gives a great performance as the beleagured old-school cop who is becoming weary of the escalation of violence and crime committed around him. Great film, worth the watch.

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Foyle's War: Series 6

Superb series

(Edit) 10/01/2015

I only got into Foyle's War a few years and wondered how I had missed it! Now frantically catching up with the series. Michael Kitchen is great as C/Supt Foyle who is solving crime on the South Coast and London during World War II, aided by Sgt Milner and his driver, Sam.

I hope this continues to run as I never tire of watching it!

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