Film Reviews by HM

Welcome to HM's film reviews page. HM has written 217 reviews and rated 230 films.

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The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes


(Edit) 17/07/2024

Pretty dismal frankly. The story of how Snow becomes his evil self, or should I say episode 1 of what sadly looks like a series. The build up drags on, we know what the games are about and this is the genesis, so the games are rather more crude and less interesting. The movie has nothing to say really that adds to what we consumed in the first series. The characters are not particularly well drawn and for some reason participants suddenly become best friends and take the bullet for each other in one case (not a spoiler), which is very unlikely in such a short time scale.

If you saw and liked the first series, I don't think this will set you alight. If not seen, then this could be a good warm up for the real thing which will seem all the better after this!

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Poor Things


(Edit) 10/06/2024

Rather Tim Burton in that an alternative world is created for the characters to move through. Very pretty, but what the heck this story is all about I have no idea. Over my head and I suspect most peoples. What did it tell me about the human condition? Nothing as far as I can tell. A baby's brain is transplanted into a dead woman's skull. Grown up body, but immature mind. So what? Stripped of experience how does an innocent relate to adult reality? That appears to be the premise.

It is overlong and a hard watch frankly.

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Anatomy of a Fall

Intriguing court drama

(Edit) 10/06/2024

An apparently straight forward accident becomes a murder enquiry. Slow burning but absorbing, it kept me dangling waiting for revelations that must surely come. Intelligent with the odd twist and turn. It kept me interested despite the slow pace, mainly because the performances are so strong. It worked for me, but in an age of 'fast food movies', it may demand too much of the blockbuster audience.

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(Edit) 25/03/2024

A mash up of ideas that don't hold together. Poor story telling, just not very skillful - give it a miss

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Cliche time

(Edit) 27/02/2024

Starts well, eye candy landscapes, a good lead character; a young women who wants to emulate the braves in her American Indian tribe. The Predator arives and lays waste to dozens of men. Luckily we have a kung fu/Arni/Bruce Lee women to settle its hash. Do us a favour.

She also beats up a few braves along the way. The de-feminisation of women continues as action films gravitate to simplistric violence with no idea what to do with females. Maybe using their brains? What they haven't got is the physical strength to take on stronger bigger men let alone Predator, who made evan Arni wet himself, so he used guile in the final act having admitted he couldn't take this thing on in a fight.

A pity really, but the blurring of super hero films and 'real' people films continues. Frankly I am losing inrerest in action genre films, they are getting dafter by the minutre. Give me a plot any day with some action but not this sillyness.

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A Prophet


(Edit) 12/12/2023

A tough hard watch as we follow a man in a French prison being ground down and humiliated but learning the rules as he tries to thrive. Rewarding and brutal. Not a good reflection on the French prison system. Much recommended crime thriller with an educational element.

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Blue Beetle


(Edit) 04/12/2023

Kids may like it, frankly it is just another super hero bore fest. Bearing in mind that the 'origin' story is the most interesting, it can only go downhill from here. Tongue in cheek throughout and with unbelievable characters in the hero's Hispanic family, the movie ejects any sense of drama and relationship with reality. OK it is a superhero film, but does it have to be this stupid? Plus we have another 'powerful' woman in charge of a high tech company she created; you know just like real life. ha, ha.

Eye candy but no substance. Is there anywhere to go for superhero movies? The bin probably.

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The Fisher King


(Edit) 13/11/2023

Critics liked this when it came out. Frankly I was disappointed by this weird romantic comedy. A man who is clearly mentally ill meets cynical shock jock and the two make an unlikely pair as the jock tries to cure him and set up a romance with an odd woman who's personality owes more to script writing than any likely real person. Got bored. I don't understand the point of this story. As for Robin Williams, OK in small doses, much smaller than this please!

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Cairo Conspiracy

Better than you would think

(Edit) 30/10/2023

An excellent Egyptian thriller. A young lad qualifies to study at the most prestigeous Muslim University in Islam. Top clerics graduate from this. The leader of the Uni is highly regarded and his opinions carry heavy political weight, not least in Egypt. The secret services have a spy in the UnI to try and manipulate a new leader appointment. The lad is approached to replace the spy. Can he achieve his spy masters' aims and survive in the murky world of national security intrigue? An excellent thriller and an education all at once.

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Evil Dead Rise

So, so.....

(Edit) 09/10/2023

Not in keeping with the tongue in cheek originals. Just a play on the name and reputation. Exciting in the usual slasher movie methodology and left open for a sequal; no thanks. It wil keep you interested mind you as it is none stop gore and action., if you are in to that. I can take it or leave it; I'll leave it.

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Beyond Skyline

The usual

(Edit) 26/09/2023

Starts ok but disolves into 'the usual'. Action overtakes brains sadly. Haven't seen the first film and this doesn't inspire me to try. Cronenberg come back all is forgiven.

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Avatar: The Way of Water


(Edit) 08/08/2023

Nice Cgi shame about the movie/story. Baddie from first film comes back as a blue Avatar with a few other previously 'dead' soldiers. Mind transfer into Avatar bodies you see. Anyway the plot is simply this bunch hitching a ride with other human colonisers trying to kill the hero of previous movie also an Avatar. Dumb. 3 hours of pretty pictures rather like Grimwald, another bore fest. The blue people meet the aqua grey version of themselves. Petty teenage rivralries supposedly appealing to youth; cliche after cliche sadly.

I wound parts on not wishing to endure the agony. And of course the final shootout between poorly armed goodies and well armed badies who cannot it a cow's bum with a banjo finishes things, pretty much like all dumb and dumber action films.

I hear there is a third one to be relased; no thanks.

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Cocaine Bear

Great fun

(Edit) 08/08/2023

Based on a true story? Really? Anyway it is funny, tongue in cheek and exciting. A pocorn and a few beers movie. About 5 times more entertaining than the dismal Way of Water. Want to chuckle along to a daft thriller? Look no further. Having this around as an emergency movie will be a good idea in case you land a stinker Avatar type dissapointment. You can pop this on and be entertained in well under 3 hours!!

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Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Down its rabbit hole

(Edit) 21/06/2023

Emma Thompson plays a frumpy widowed older woman who hires a male prostitute; cue guilt complex and soul searching by old lady. We go through 4 or 5 meetings as she continually tries to avoid what she wants. This became extremely irritating and I found myself winding foreward to avoid more of the same. In addition, the gigilo is invited to form a relationship with her as if he got into prostitution to look after old ladies.

A familier tale of a woman trying to remodel a man. I doubt any male of the species will enjoy this nonesense, although old women trying to shag a tall handsom young man may go for it!

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The World We Knew

Not Reservoir Dogs

(Edit) 04/05/2023

A bunch of criminals hide away while the heat dies down having shot a cop during a heist. Although set up like a Tarantino film, the dialogue is nowhere near as smart. Conversations are not particularly intersting. You just know it is going to kick off. Supernatural events also occur which seem out of place and don't work. A film best avoided IMO.

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