Film Reviews by HM

Welcome to HM's film reviews page. HM has written 217 reviews and rated 230 films.

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Legacy of Lies


(Edit) 27/01/2021

An action movie with an absence of police when you need them. Lots of agents shooting each other in a plot of simplicity which is action movie standard and banal. The whole thing is in the action universe and a bit dopey. However, it is fast moving and focused on delivering violent excitement and delivers on that level

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Weathering with You

Excellent Anime

(Edit) 20/01/2021

If you are into Japanese anime this won't let you down. Boy runs away from College to Tokyo. There he meets a girl who has ancient magical powers over the weather but there is a price to pay for this. Can he help avoid this? Charming, visually splendid it is another family or adult entertainment. Not a classic like Spirited Away but a worthwhile watch.

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(Edit) 06/01/2021

Germans cannot shoot straight in any film can they, despite being the best trained veteran troops in world war II. Dolby Atmos is the best bit of this nonsense. Some thrills but the modern PC casting rob it of authenticity from minute one. Our goody goody hero loses his helmet from the start so that we see him as an individual in the same way they lose their face masks in superhero films.

Nazis are experimenting with home made zombies and some GIs have to cope with these as they attempt to blow up a radar station in France during the D-Day invasion that could determine the course of the war. Do me a favour. However, as the film is made for the computer game nerd generation they expect their audience won't know much about real events, so who cares?

Light headed horror film, so, so but not for the mature heads out there

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Heart warming

(Edit) 30/12/2020

Hanks gets this most genial of men across very well. The lead character is a sort of more intelligent Forest Gump. A demoralised journalist, too cutting and honest for his own good, is assigned to interview a children's/family TV star. He finds his TV persona is no act and he really is this wholesome caring wise individual. So, the bitter jaded hack learns life lessons from him prompting a revaluation of his life.

The drama deepens as the stakes for the journalist's own private life are raised. A cleverly scripted drama brings a feel good warmth but not without a journey through trauma.

Recommended as an engaging and entertaining film, despite others writing it off, possibly because the true meaning of the men's lives does emerge until later, making it light and even frivolous at first.

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The Street

A story of our times

(Edit) 30/12/2020

A documentary giving local residents a chance to discuss the gentrification of a part of London snuggled up to the ever expanding wealth creating business hub. Interesting characters abound and make it a worthwhile journey for that reason only. The changes to the street seem inevitable as the working class area is upgraded for the young City players crowding into the Capitol.

Touching but not contradicting the morphing of the street, new business residents get a say too. The way of the world in a vibrant place such as London. A very people orientated experience. I enjoyed it, but not Friday night movie/booze/popcorn stuff.

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Free Solo


(Edit) 30/12/2020

These guys seem nuts but a brain scan of Alex the guy about to try to scale America's most difficult climb without ropes, just fingers, chalk and feet, gives a strong clue as to why some people (usually men) can only find excitement going to the edge. Not for them getting worked up watching a football game. The excitement is generated because they may fail once and die and plenty of these risk takers have died. It isn't a career choice with a guaranteed pension!

You are with Alex all the way as his preparations sometimes miss-fire and those around him (similar guys, but not friends; it doesn't do to have an emotional connection when a friend may die any time) comment to viewers that now he has a girlfriend living in his caravan as he tours around, he has a distraction. Will she be the death of him?

The views of the climb he is to make and close up camera coverage as he attempts it, a distraction to be sure, are spellbinding and frightening in equal measure.

On the one hand you cannot help admiring these people but also feel that there is no way the risks could be worth it. However, they cannot live without it, but they may die all the same. Exciting and recommended.

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Gretel and Hansel

Oh Dear

(Edit) 13/12/2020

Warning; An Irish Government backed film. They are usually average at best. This is no exception. A reimagining of the H & G tale where she is a teenager and he is a kid. Not particularly scary, but suspenseful. Tries hard but not hard enough. Won't please horror fans.

Passages of the film break up the suspense which is down to poor story telling. Also, a bit confusing in parts. A black actor is given a shot as is obligatory these days. He drones through his lines with little conviction and invests nothing in a superfluous character. Should have got an actor to do it!

A poor effort. Cannot recommend it know you will be disappointed.

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

Poor version

(Edit) 04/12/2020

A reimagining of the tale which doesn't work. Some 'modern' humour injected but fails to raise a laugh. Worse of all the basic premise does not work so the Director struggles with it. Poor writing loses the atmosphere and continuity of Dicken's work and the whole thing is a mess and frankly lacking in understanding of the subject matter.

Some may have noticed (may?) the disproportionate number of black and Asian actors (actors?). The explanation for this is that it reflects London where 40% of the population is BAME. This is not colour blind casting, but a deliberate political statement, but; London is not representative of England anymore; its culture (culture?) is defunct. I doubt English culture will come from this place again due to so few English people living in it! This mess of a film confirms ones worst fears that the continuity of English identity and culture is broken and that in a nut shell explains this film's shallowness and irrelevance. Ever felt estranged from your Capitol City? Well up in in't North it is weird seeing a completely different country to the one you are living in; disturbing frankly. As for distorting the past; lets not go there!

My reviews are normally this acid but I was inspired.

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Sci Fi thriller

(Edit) 25/11/2020

Engaging tale of a secret research project aimed at using psychics to invade peoples dreams where they kill their victim in the dream and the real person dies. At least that is the theory. A Cronenberg type of film; no need for a big budget, just good ideas with a few things to say. Definitely worth a watch, not least because we are running out of films worth watching due to Covid; this onw won't let you down

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Midnight in Paris

Magical Allen

(Edit) 25/11/2020

A budding author holidays in contemporary Paris with his Fiancé and her parents. On his own one night walking the streets he is enticed into an antique car by champagne revellers. Later he is taken to an apparent 20's theme party; but no, he is in the 1920s where he meets artists that populated the city at that time. Will he stay? Will he abandon his present for an alternative life rubbing shoulders with his heroes? Romantic and heart warming it is Allen at his best; he isn't in the film but the lead male character has his dialogue and Allen lives vicariously through the imagined character. Intelligent and amusing it is a refreshing reminder of what films can be with some effort!

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Eighth Grade


(Edit) 19/11/2020

Coming of age movie. Fine performance by Elsie Fisher. The story follows her attempt to find her place as she graduates to High School. She awakens the geek in all of us as she experiences lack of confidence, realises this and attempts to turn things around. Relying on social media to connect with other teenagers, she hits and misses the target. A thoughtful production and amusing script describe the teenage angst we all experienced.

I had my misgivings but it came through in the end. No violence, nudity or exploitation. Fed up with Narcos, gangsters and grim action films telling the stories of unworthy nasty people? Well this is a refresher on the lighter but more relevant side of human nature; it lit my day up, try it!

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Salem's Lot


(Edit) 19/11/2020

This is a classic of the horror genre. Creepy and a relative of Hammer Horror, it gives a backdrop of small town culture and characters enlivening what might have been just another vampire story. It is much better than that. Originally a TV series, the whole item running three hours long as a movie is perfectly paced dishing out the thrills with restraint, no splatter and needless 'more is less' gore. This is a movie you have to see if a horror fan and if not, see it anyway as one of those classics of movieland.

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John Wick 2

Bang bang yawn

(Edit) 18/11/2020

Well the baddies cannot shoot straight and Wick shoots anything in sight. The slightest bit of organisation and he would be toast in 2 minutes given the scenarios. Pulp rubbish, but if you like mindless violence as an escape thing be my guest. This garbage makes the Star Wars scripts seem intelligent! I cannot wait to avoid Wick 3.

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Taut thriller

(Edit) 18/11/2020

A sci-fi/horror amalgam. Works very well. Acting top level and plot clever and twisting. A young girl is kept house bound. It turns out there is danger in the outside world. Her mother is imprisoned and the truth of this is a revelation to the child. She wants to experience the outside world putting her family in danger. Cue a tightly directed conflict with neighbours and law and order institutions, but why? Entertaining, engaging and exciting; the plot thickens and the full scenario is gradually prised open. Well worth a watch, much recommended.

The kind of movie Cronenberg would make, so I cannot recommend it more than that.

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I See You


(Edit) 06/11/2020

A cop and wife with son experience spooky goings on in their house as at the same time a serial killer is on the loose, children are disappearing. Supernatural killer or all in the mind? A thriller containing mystery, suspense, thrills and crime. You never know what is going on until the plot is unravelled in flashbacks. Clever, entertaining and very well constructed; enjoy.

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