Film Reviews by DB

Welcome to DB's film reviews page. DB has written 38 reviews and rated 61 films.

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The Hurt Locker

Gritty realism

(Edit) 20/07/2010

I can see why this film won an Oscar. The film technique really takes you to the war zone and makes you feel like you are really there. It's in the tradition of Apocalypse Now et al. Off beat and yet very poigniant and gritty. If you like war movies with a difference without the all American Hero done good then you'll love this one.

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The Blind Side

Really great feelgood movie

(Edit) 14/04/2011

I loved this movie, it's a winner for sure. An excellent film with plenty of moving moments but the whole thing reasserts faith in your fellow man, and that sometimes you really can make a difference by helping just one person. It was a great film and I can highly recommend it.

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(Edit) 14/04/2011

I thought this would just be a movie about rugby but is was so much more. I really showed the motivation behind Nelson Mandela and what a great man he really is. It definitely gave me a lump or two in my throat as there were some very emotional moments in it. I think it was absolutely excellent. It's a brilliant film and I can highly recommend it!!!

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Old Dogs

Quite a bit of fun

(Edit) 14/04/2011

I enjoyed this movie, it's a fun movie and quite funny. I even endured Robin William's annoying pained "just about to cry" expression and managed to find it funny. I would recommend this movie, I wouldn't say it's riotously funny, but it is funny and John Travolta is good.

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The Joneses

Strange but almost believable

(Edit) 29/01/2011

This is very odd movie. It's not what I was expecting at all but at the same time you could believe it to be true.

For those who like Demi Moore in particular then this film shows her off to advantage. Once again there is redemption, changes of heart and all the things you would like from the romantic angle.

In the end I'd say rent the film but be prepared for it to be different from that which you expected.

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Up in the Air

Romantic but maybe not what you are expecting

(Edit) 29/01/2011

I did like this film. It portrays a sort of lifestyle and shows that perhaps all that glitters is not gold after all.

George Clooney is very good in this movie and it's a must for fans. He has a good counterpart in his flirtation and also there is some redemption to his character which is nice.

Whether you will be happy with the ending I will leave you to find out. I left feeling a little sad for his character but overall I enjoyed the movie and it was watchable.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I liked it but it's not nice

(Edit) 29/01/2011

This film is a little slow and it has some suspense in it but it's more about relationships with a huge amount of nastiness thrown in for good measure.

I am not sure I like things quite so graphically portrayed and there are some unpleasant scenes which leave a nasty taste in the mouth for quite some time following, at least for me.

However that being said it is a good movie, very watchable and the main character is one you can sympathise with and identify with up to a point.

It's well thought out and keeps you wondering until the climactic ending.

Is justice finally done? That you have to see for yourself. The ending is good I think and keeps you wondering.

Overall if you like thrillers, whodunits and the like then watch this movie

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(Edit) 29/01/2011

I didn't like this film. I had wanted to see if for quite some time but when I did, it didn't live up to my expectations.

Jeremy Irons did his typical speaking looks and saying nothing much. The intimate moments were improbable, looked uncomfortable and well nigh impossible. I can't understand why an actress of the calibre or Juliette Binoch was even in it.

I did not like the story and the dialogue was somewhat dire...

To be honest I turned it off after 30 minutes and mailed it back, I was that disappointed in it, maybe times have just moved on.

Try it for yourself, but be warned that it may not be to your taste.

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The Ramen Girl

As good as a bowl of Ramen any day

(Edit) 14/11/2009

I really liked this film, it was excellent. If a bowl of Ramen is supposed to infuse you with the spirit of the maker then so did this film, it was romantic and funny without being over the top in any department. I like films like this which haven't had a huge budget but are good entertainment and good acting. A nice story, well put together and nicely filmed. The sort of feel good Saturday night that I needed! I would recommend this film if you like Romcom, chick flicks and feel good movies.

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Before the Rains

Beautifully shot but miserable film

(Edit) 20/07/2010

I loved the whole shooting and cinematography and it's worth seeing for this alone including some great closeup work which was really good. The plot line isn't great and I have to say if you are looking for a happily ever after ending then forget it.

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Just Add Water

Funky unusual and interesting movie

(Edit) 20/07/2010

I liked this film, it's different and quirky and it's well put together. If you like something unusual then you'll like this movie. It's also one for the little guys and Danny Devito is great in this although he is not the lead. It's a nice romantic story with a good ending, rent it!

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The Proposal

Love it

(Edit) 20/07/2010

This is a great romcom and if you like Sandra Bullock then of course you'll love this. The lead is great and it's very very funny, I loved it and I thought it was well done with a great plot line. This movie is definitely worth seeing if you are a fan of the genre.

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Two Lovers

I liked it

(Edit) 20/07/2010

It is a different kind of movie and I liked the main character's vulnerability. It's an unfortunate situation which I guess people sometimes find themselves in when they have to make a hard choice. I think his choice was right in the end and I liked the ending.

This is an offbeat movie and if you like that kind of film then it's one to watch.

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Terminator Salvation

Good for Terminator Fans

(Edit) 20/07/2010

If you are a Terminator fan then you will like this one. It's fun and the effects are good. I enjoyed it a lot but then I love the Terminator. I can't say it's the best movie in the world but it's better than T3 but not as good at T1 or T2. I would see it to complete the story if nothing else.

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In Bruges


(Edit) 20/07/2010

It's a bloody black comedy and it's quite funny but at the same time it's poigniant. I enjoyed it but it's not the sort of film that I usually watch. However I can recommend it to Tarantino fans. It's well shot and a good script, nicely put together.

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