Film Reviews by Veronika movies

Welcome to Veronika movies's film reviews page. Veronika movies has written 7 reviews and rated 50 films.

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Ghostbusters 3


(Edit) 18/05/2022

What a waste... embarrassment to the original ghostbusters. It is not a sequel, but feels rather like a low budget remake. Not funny, not engaging, and simply dumb. Can't believe Chris Hemsworth signed up for this garbage.

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(Edit) 23/04/2021

Was the book just as boring as this movie? I was very disappointed, and I can hardly believe Jane Austen wrote this. A comedy? It was not funny at all.

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The Road to El Dorado

Waste of production for a poor story

(Edit) 14/01/2020

The production and music are nice, but that cannot make up for a rubbish story with disappointing end.

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Why all the bad reviews???

(Edit) 29/11/2019

Why all the bad reviews? I have enjoyed the movie. Yes, some cliche dialogues, but they are in almost every American movie. Little far fetched, but all of this type of movies are. Acting was good and disasters scenes too. I do not think it was stupid at all after watching it. If it really was, I will not remember the plot in a year from now. I will see then.

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(Edit) 19/01/2019

I thought this was a comedy, and the idea rather brilliant. However, the movie has a poor plot, and it is not funny at all. It was depressing from beginning to the end. And the end was real disappointment. I cannot believe so many famous actors signed up for this rubbish.

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Thor: Ragnarok

What a shame!

(Edit) 28/10/2018

I really liked the first two Thor movies, but this was not anything like those. It was just too violent and dumb. I hoped it will get better towards the end, but it got even worse. I regret that I have watched this movie.

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What is the point of this movie???

(Edit) 17/02/2018

Absolutely boring, 10 minutes of it felt like two hours. Nothing funny, nothing inspiring, zero entertainment value. Seriously, even average person's life is not this boring. Why to document people to brush their teeth? It is absolutely disgusting. I regret to order this movie, what a waste!!!

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