Film Reviews by DH

Welcome to DH's film reviews page. DH has written 6 reviews and rated 8 films.

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Assassination Nation

Unwatchable rubbish

(Edit) 28/04/2020

I suspect that this film is aimed at teenagers. I rarely give up on films. With this one, I switched off after about 15 minutes.

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The Little Stranger

A not very thrilling thriller

(Edit) 28/04/2020

A slow-paced, not very thrilling thriller. Ruth Wilson again demonstrates what a fine actress she is. Average fare.

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Bleakly impressive

(Edit) 27/11/2017

A film by Alejandro Iñárritu is always worth watching, although it has to be said that, whilst this is impressively made, it is unremittingly bleak. Javier Bardem is excellent in the lead role.

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Miss Sloane

Highly entertaining

(Edit) 23/11/2017

Very well plotted and with a surprise ending. Jessica Chastain is impressive in the central role as a super-bright but unlikeable lobbyist.

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The General

Deservedly regarded as a silent classic

(Edit) 13/11/2017

It may be 91 years old but it kept me entertained throughout. Very inventive physical comedy. I do, however, agree with KM's comments regarding the piano accompaniment.

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Torn Curtain

A disappointment

(Edit) 06/11/2017

This minor Hitchcock was a disappointment. The plot was not remotely credible and the film has dated badly.

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