Film Reviews by KH

Welcome to KH's film reviews page. KH has written 6 reviews and rated 19 films.

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The Angels' Share

One of the best films ever made

(Edit) 12/04/2021

This is one of the few films I never tire of watching. All the grittiness of ken Loach with humour and redemption. Watch it!

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Brokeback Mountain

One of the all-time best films: unbearbly beautiful and sad

(Edit) 08/02/2020

In the 15 years or so since I last watched this film, I had forgotten just how brilliant it was. Now watching it again with my 17-year-old son, I found it extraordinarily - almost unbearably - beautiful and sad. We were both in tears by the end...

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Superb and deeply disturbing

(Edit) 08/02/2020

An incredible film that shakes you to the core. Probably not one to have watched with my 12-yearold daughter but it's certainly given us lots to talk about. Very highly recommended.

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Journey's End

A beautiful and deeeply moving film.

(Edit) 06/11/2019

Engages with the horrors of what war does to people beyond physical injury - absolutely spellbinding.

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Superb film

(Edit) 23/05/2018

Watched this with my kids, who were riveted throughout. I'm not an expert enough to say how close it was to what really happened, but as a film it is first-rate and: very thought-provoking and compelling to watch.

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I, Daniel Blake

Superb - a shocking indictment of "austerity Britain"

(Edit) 23/05/2018

A superb film: incredible acting and an important story to tell. I know from friends' experiences how shockingly true-to-life this is.

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