Film Reviews by CH

Welcome to CH's film reviews page. CH has written 6 reviews and rated 28 films.

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The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming

Giggleworthy in the "Whisky Galore" vein. An unusual American comedy.

(Edit) 30/12/2019

If you enjoyed 'Whisky Galore" you'll probably enjoy this. An example of the effects of rumour being passed person to person within a small community, borne on the back of political mis-information. Builds from a conventional domestic scene to a riot of action. A far cry from the usual clamorous style of Hollywood comedies.

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Lengthy. Easy-going.

(Edit) 12/08/2019

This French language film is typically over-long. The characters are refreshingly 'normal' family members, the plot fairly predictable---as, indeed,  is most family life! Seeing this from a view-point of 2019 the 'coming out' of Zac can seem laboured. However, the acting is fairly convincing, and the basic solidarity of the members' love for one another shines through. Enjoyable music throughout, so not an evening wasted!

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God's Own Country

Off to a Bad start

(Edit) 04/10/2018

Not prepared (my fault) for the opening of this story, which I put on in my living room to entertain visiting relatives. Taken aback by the graphic scene of seduction (?) or rape(?), due to the howls of disgust/dismay during the first few seconds, I pulled the plug and suggested Scrabble instead. Posted it back in the hope of getting Christopher Robin next time!

Now have read the reviews, so shall re-order when I know I'll be the sole viewer!

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The Theory of Everything

acting of theatrical quality

(Edit) 04/09/2015

Superb acting transcends the rather 'loaded', biopic interpretation of this story. Wonderful effort all-round!

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This production is wonderful for its sustained, threatening atmosphere

(Edit) 13/08/2015

Still chills, after 65 years, as only black-and-white can do. Hitchcock never fails to entertain. Sound quality has suffered a bit with age, and sadly there are no sub-titles.

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Inside Llewyn Davis

A real delight

(Edit) 08/04/2015

A real delight. Plot, tempo, photography, acting---and cat--all whimsical and wonderful. The Coen Brothers never put a foot wrong, do they?

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