Film Reviews by porky

Welcome to porky's film reviews page. porky has written 274 reviews and rated 271 films.

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Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter .

(Edit) 11/04/2018

Pretty Dull ,made for TV ,Sunday Afternoon Film. not at all scary,or fr that matter very interesting, Dreadful bunch of Characters.

Dullsville .Yawnfest, better than a poke in the eye with a lemon juiced finger but only just .

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Under the Shadow

Under the Shaddow

(Edit) 07/04/2018

A very unusual Iranian Horror Movie ,very much in a similar vein to The Babbadook.

During the War in the Middle East of 1988 a family are separated ,Friends and Neighbors leave the building for safety in other parts of the country ,Missile Bombing is destroying the neighborhood and a dark presence begins to take over the ever more empty Block of apartments . Creepy and Unsettling , Subtitled but well worth the inconvenience if that worries you .

A Very Good and refreshingly Non Hollywood Horror .

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The Shadow Man

Shaddow of a movie

(Edit) 07/04/2018

Irritating Woman suffering Nightmares? Visions? Madness?or Real Hauntings/Encounters?... in the end you dont really care much.

People Die, but really no one you care about. Kind of Tedious in its lack of anyone you do care about as Everyone involved is deeply damaged.

Could have been OK if only the main characters were not all such self obsessive arseholes .

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(Edit) 02/04/2018

A Deeply Unpleasant Guy moves into TV News Film Footage gathering from his usual living off Theft . and manipulates crime scenes for his own ends , Blackmails TV Executives and Kills his Partner , sadly he has a rather happy ending making it big in the field of News Gathering ,in reality he should have got the electric chair for Murder . Left me feeling Dirty ,but it was a Good, if a little slow, movie .

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(Edit) 01/04/2018

This wasnt the WORST movie ive ever seen but t was soo dull i turned it off pretty soon after it started.

I actually FF through it incase it got interesting but was pleased when it got to the end and i never had to see anymore of it ever again.

Characters all do the most stupid things they shouldnt ever do in a horror move ,and are such ad Actors that they really shouldnt ever make another film together or even apart fr that matter.

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I Am Not a Serial Killer

I am not a serial killer but i cant vouch for my friend

(Edit) 28/03/2018

Wow, ....a very slow moving movie that ends in a place I really wasnt expecting at all !

Starts pretty ordinary with a slightly twisted Teen showing all the triggers of a fledgling serial killer under therapy.....

...BUT where it heads is down a road you wouldnt imagine in your wildest dreams.

Well worth more than one watch if you can bare to sit through the slightly slow first half again.....

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The Bye Bye Man

Bye bye bye bye ......Dont keep saying it FFS !

(Edit) 28/03/2018

Like all movies where the Teenagers stupidly say the thing you are not supposed to say or you get Cursed ,ie;Candyman and Bloody Mary......well this is NO Different.

Really Stupidly Annoying Teenagers do what they shouldnt do and then wonder why they are Dying /Being Killed etc...

Run of the mill scare fest.....not bad if it wasnt soo obvious and the teens not soo Fu@@ing Annoyingly Stupid !

It left me wanting to go Slaughter a bunch of Stupid American Teens by the time it had finished, so I can totally understand fully the Bye Bye Mans reasons for doing what he is doing .

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Spring into action !

(Edit) 23/03/2018

A very interesting take on a scary movie. more a Love Story than anything, a Man who has Lost Everything and a Woman that has lived almost forever and yet has Nothing . 2 people So perfectly matched and yet So very Different.

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Keep Watching

Hmm, well keep watching if you feel you can be arsed .

(Edit) 23/03/2018

Entertaining enough but not the Best movie ive ever seen about hidden camera murder .

The main character is really annoying ,its a shame they chose this character to be the focus of the film as they really needed killing FIRST!

Similar to many other movies but interesting enough to sit through, wont be watching it a second time but mainly because i cant abide the main character more than the movie itself .

If petulant,sneering, rude teenage girls is your thing ,go ahead . enjoy.

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Freehold fear

(Edit) 17/03/2018

Very unusual movie ,Slow moving but very cleverly Creepy and Disturbing.

A common fear many of us have about what goes on behind your back when you cant see .

Well worth a watch. only a low budget gem but I dont think a larger budget would have made it any better than it already is.

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Resurrection of Evil

Resurrection ?

(Edit) 17/03/2018

Title is really silly and should be changed really. it has nothing much to do with what goes on .

For years I have thought it strange no one had ever made a movie about one of Americas Original Serial Killers,H H Holmes, and his Intricately put together box of tricks ,built in sliding panels ,moving walls,trap doors and gas chambers,his self built Hotel of Death.

It seemed a story ripe for the picking. The Chicago version of Jack the Ripper from the late Victorian era. Killing many more than Jack ever did yet somehow forgotten to much of the world.Skeletons of his victims sat in medical schools all over the states .

Finally a movie ,but sadly not the Treasure it could have been . it only really skims the original story as back history and builds a modern nonsense upon it .but at least its finally made it to screen.

Could have been much ,much better and more unusual but sadly we are given a bog standard slasher style movie in an apartment block instead.

Entertaining none the less. Grizzly , Gorey and somewhat Suspenseful. well worth a watch or two.

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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Killing of a Sacred Oh Dear !

(Edit) 14/03/2018

If you have already seen 'The Lobster' you will know and understand the pace of the movie already.... If you haven't then its pretty Slow moving, with some very strange Quiet Acting, almost as if the Cast were under Hypnotism . exterior to the enveloping story.

An Odd story slowly unfolds and a Very Difficult Decision must be made to save the lives of a Family.

Powerful and Shocking and yet ...... bizarrely not.

well worth more than the one viewing .

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Bag Boy Lover Boy

Bag Boy ,Lover Boy ,Bonkers Boy.....

(Edit) 14/03/2018

Bizarre movie . Autistic Hot Dog Vendor gets used by a sleazy photographer who inadvertently inspires the artistic aspirations of the Autistic Hot dog Guy.

Not really understanding what he is doing, and really only copying what he experiences whilst being used by the seedy photographer as a model in some dodgy pictures, the Hot dog guy carries out a Killing Spree in the name of Art !

Picture the movie 'Bad Boy Bubby ' only replace Rock Band with Photographer and you have something similar in flavour.

worth more than the one viewing

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Alien Contagion

This Conagion wasnt catching on with me....

(Edit) 12/03/2018

Dreadfully Dull and on a budget of 20p . I watched it on FF in the end it was soo bad. dont even bother to go there .

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Thor: Ragnarok

Rag n roll

(Edit) 12/03/2018

For some reason MARVEL has decided Thor is now some kind of Stand up comedian and have given him a script full of Gags . it actually works and it carries the film from ne laugh to the next which helps as Thor and Hulk could have been a dreadfully Dull movie otherwise ...... Probably felt they also needed to make HULK talk too ,because lets face it HULK is pretty Dull as a character.

However ,it was all very Entertaining and Much Better than I was expecting. I have really enjoyed the other MARVEL movies but wasnt too excited to see this after seeing some of the Trailers for it. Just a shame Loki also appears , his character is so predictable it just wastes time in a movie that could be used to show us something more interesting instead.

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