Film Reviews by DM

Welcome to DM's film reviews page. DM has written 9 reviews and rated 18 films.

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Patrick Melrose

Laboured viewing

(Edit) 17/09/2020

You get the point but somehow there seems to be a need to ram home points by filling entire episodes with the same subject matter. A wafer thin story line that we watched in the vain hope that some depth might develop but to no avail. You could argue that was how it was but what took 4 episodes to cover could easily have been covered in 2, possibly one. Needless to say we cancelled the second disc.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Tarantino has lost it

(Edit) 10/09/2020

A disjointed and tedious offering. It's hard to believe that that this was directed by the same guy who gave us Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Res Dogs. He can still attract the names in the acting world but as far as the scripts and storylines are concerned, well, quit before you fall any further Quentin - you seem to be getting worse with each film you direct.

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Marvellously original

(Edit) 16/08/2020

I'm very wary of Oscar winning films as many winners and expectations weren't high for the first foreign subtitled film to win best picture. Wholly deserved though. An original story line that twist and turns held our interest throughout. Imaginative and dark and I don't want to give anything away, so beware of even vague spoilers when reading reviews. Suffice to say it's one of the best films we've seen this year.

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Better Call Saul: Series 1

Saul is poor in more ways than one

(Edit) 01/07/2020

Endured one uninspiring episode but there wasn't enough in that to warrant wasting time watching the rest of the first three episodes and cancelled the rest of the box set as we couldn't see any signs that the slow, tedious and predictable episode we watched would improve. Didn't expect anything as good as Breaking Bad, but didn't expect this to be as bad.

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A Dark Horror that Happened

(Edit) 11/06/2020

If you're looking for light entertainment you can probably tell by the title that this isn't for you. Chernobyl captures the grim reality of the nuclear disaster in the former USSR and the layer upon layer of attempts to cover the full magnitude of it's impact. This is a real life horror story, disturbing, discombobulating and distressing. The cinematography is superb in capturing the bleak reality of the time, grey being the dominant shade of the series in tone and hue. The sacrifice given by firefighters, miners and soldiers given knowingly or unknowingly is moving in the extreme. Strongly recommended.

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Stan and Ollie

Touching and well acted

(Edit) 17/05/2020

This is a delightful portrayal of Stan and Ollie's relationship. Cooghan is brilliant as Stan Laurel and Reilly isn't far behind in his portrayal of Hardy. A moving story with heart and plenty of funny moments, as the duo try to climb the ladder one more time on their tour of Britain after their glory days in Hollywood.

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Lady Bird

Very disappointing

(Edit) 06/05/2020

A weak story-line and not much else. Reviews were good but my wife and I gave up on this before the end, something we rarely do. Monotonous drivel.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Not quite a rhapsody

(Edit) 29/04/2020

After the rave reviews we had heard expectations were high but unfortunately were not met. Not a bad biopic film but won't live in the memory. A valiant attempt made in the impossible task of playing Freddie but ultimately fell a bit short. The music is great though - very pleased we watched it.

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Gentleman Jack: Series 1

'Jack' the lass delivers class

(Edit) 29/04/2020

An excellent and entertaining romp through the life and times of 'Jack' and her gay life superbly portrayed. We loved the music, costumes, settings and a story line that picks up pace as it progresses. Can't wait for the rest of the series - a great binge watch.

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