A Great Biopic which Wisely Focuses on Songs and Performance at Live Aid 1985
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by PV
This film is bookended with the performance at Live Aid on July 13th 1985 where Queen stole the show - and the record sales doubled afterwards. The only thing that jars is the CGI rewriting of history making the audience 10-20% black. It wasn't. It was almost exclusively white, as were Queen fans in general. I am not sure Freddie (a pale-skinned Persian ancestry) was ever called the P word on stage either. Those untruths grate as history does NOT need changing according to pc diversity box-ticking criteria, thank you.
One review I read complained about the film ending there and not examining Freddie's battle against AIDS - but that would be another movie.
This is expertly directed by Brian Singer, and real events are merged or concertina-ed to fit character arcs and plot points - so we have the obligatory down phase before the final triumph.
I thought the acting was brilliant, esp the actor playing Freddie and also Brian May whose motherly fussiness the actor gets off down to a tee.
Freddie's shy innocence and fickle character is well-portrayed too, as is the relationship with Mary Austin who he left the bulk of his estate too at 1 Logan Place London.
This is, in short, great entertainment about a unique band whose members wrote superb songs (at least in the 1970s).
5 stars.
7 out of 12 members found this review helpful.
As predicted.
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by NC
Having been there before, during, and after, and brother involved with all the 60's music industry, film is as thought it would be. Patronising, vague watercolour, with an apologetic Fred. He was far from that, especially in his second YMCA personna. He was very dynamic, full-on, and bit like Steve Martin with Bilko, was totally unique.........signifying he cannot be copied! Malic looks and sounds a bit like him.......is that Oscar standard acting?
Brother used to tell me a lot of the goings-on in the day, from about 1959 onwards, and if had written a book the law suits would have been colossal! Lot of people knew what was going on in areas, but nobody blew air up the golden goose.............
If someone had made a more accurate, and graphic, account of Freddie, with some private and public footage, it would have been vilified, so guess this offering was indeed totally predictable.
Fortunately there are still many people about who remember the entertainer artiste as he was. He was something a bit over the top on the party circuit, ask Paul Gam, but on stage he was over the top in control. His voice and musical feel was unrivaled.
Long live Freddie, and his music. Hopefully he is charging about somewhere having a great time......Full-on-Freddie................thank God for the characters. Lived down road from Oliver Reed........another story!
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Brilliant film
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by DD
By the end of this movie I felt so inspired by the life of Freddie Mercury and Rami Malek does an incredible job at bringing him to life on the screen. Sadly, the movie bends the truth and from what I've read online is very innacurate. While I believe the film could have been just as good had they been a bit truer to life it's still a fantastic movie.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Wonderful Music
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by JD
I approached this dvd wareilly, but ended up loving it.
The music is wonderful, as is the acting , especially by Rami Malic who deserved his BAFTA and OSCAR awards.
The cgi is amazing, showing a full Wembley Stadium and an unforgettable sweeping tracking shot from above, ending up over the heads of the audience and ending on stage.
Yes it is played a little soft on the drugs and gay issue, but the film is all the better for it, allowing the intelligence of the viewer to fill in the gaps.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Great performances, great music
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by CP Customer
Rami Male rightly gets loads of plaudits, although for me he never quite seems to get used to those teeth! The supporting cast did probably even better as they had less to work with. And of course, the music is just outstanding. The Live Aid set piece was masterfully done.
Lots of fun and moving at times.
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Historical and PC Criticism aside, this is a really good movie!
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by CS
Having read so much negative criticism of this film and then it winning so many awards at the Oscars, I was unsure what to expect from this. Supposedly a biog of Freddie Mercury, but coming across much more as a marketing exercise for the band, in order to boost record sales. The film concentrates far too heavily on Freddie’s (mostly platonic) friendship with Mary, strongly suggesting that he was heterosexual or at least bisexual, but even as Mary herself says in the film “no Freddie, you’re Gay”! The Social and Religious cultural group that his family come from were and still are notoriously homophobic, yet this is never mentioned in the film, instead choosing to concentrate on the persecution they allegedly received from, but it’s never actually mentioned (Muslims) during the partition of India! A lot of the films allegedly historical events are taken out of time and context and the musical chronology is all over the place, placing songs such as ‘Crazy Little Thing called love’ and the Jazz album, literally five years before their time! Which gets slightly confusing if you actually lived through these times and experienced the development of the band first hand as a fan or simply as someone living through it all! No mention is made either of the time when Queen were allegedly ripped off by their management, something which the song ‘Death on Two Legs’ is purportedly about, so some of the less savoury experiences of the band are skipped over. This film has received heavy criticism for not being a true reflection of Freddie’s life and for pandering to PC tastes and one does get the impression that much has been watered down and heterosexualised, in order not to offend and to cater for certain geographical, religious and political markets! As a result if you see this film as an honest biography of both the band and Freddie, you will be very disappointed, because a faithful biography it very clearly is not, and some of the political correctness does get in the way of telling a good story, as seems to be the norm for many films nowadays! However if you see it as simply a rock n roll film about a band who make the big time, then it is hugely entertaining and the soundtrack really does move things along very nicely. I was surprised at what a good film this actually is, casting all critique aside, Malek turns in quite a good if not slightly watered down, version of Freddie, but really is the only main character in the whole movie, with literally everybody else just playing as side kicks. Mary is quite prominent throughout and in many ways it is she who appears to be falsely portrayed as the real victim in all of this, in fact sometimes rather sickeningly so, whilst very little emphasis is placed upon Freddie’s sexuality and the real issues that he faced as a result. The allegedly notorious sex parties and over the top drama that he was well known for are virtually non existent, however there is no denying that Freddie Mercury was one of, it not the Greatest Showman of the 20th Century! Allegedly one of the biggest grossing films of the year, this gives clarity on why certain aspects were possibly downplayed, in order to create a more commercial and sellable formula! So casting any scepticism aside and not taking itself too seriously, with the occasional humorous moment, I found this a thoroughly enjoyable if not slightly confusing romp through the 70’s and 80’s history of Rock N roll a la Queen!
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Despite Malek's genius performance, this is a turgid, bland & (worst of all) boring biopic
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by TB
Freddie Mercury was a complete one-off: a stunning, staggeringly gifted musician & performer, outstanding vocalist & one of the best entertainers the world will ever have. Many of Queen's songs are still as popular today as they were when released, perfectly written & performed. But, particularly during his lifetime, very little was actually known about Mercury, driven primarily by him & his fanatical privacy. Stories/rumours would be published, but never confirmed. So, in other words, the perfect subject for a biopic.
But, this film has many many flaws alongside it's great parts. The main one by a country mile is how safe & sanitised this film is, which is in every way the polar opposite of Mercury the man. There is no doubt that the main reason for this is due to the extensive creative control that the remaining members of Queen had over production, controlling not only pretty much every element of the film, but also the rights to the songs. There would be no way to make a Freddie biopic without the music he created, and by extension of that, by controlling the rights, the band members could shape the film they wanted.
There was an infamous example of this early on in the gestation of this film many years ago, when Sacha Baron Cohen was cast as Mercury & wanted to make a no-holds barred, totally extreme biopic, showing the many outrageous sides of Freddie as well as his sexuality. But for many reasons, one probably being the backlash of many of Queen's fans not liking to see this extreme representation of gay life, Baron Cohen & the band fell out, the film stalling for years.
By the time it finally came to fruition & was shot with Malek in the lead role, the film had changed to what it is now: fairly rote, a bit bland & despite flashes of brilliance, nothing ever more than mediocre. There are some good parts, particularly the fleshing out of Mercury's incredibly close bond & love for Mary Austin, who was first his girlfriend then best friend. But despite some good performances from the cast, Malek is in many ways the only one who comes out of this really well. It is just a bit "meh" and I wanted & expected so much more.
Yes the music is great, hence the 3 stars, but especially when comparing this to Rocketman, released around the same time, there is so much here lacking. Yes, it was warmly received by many, but it could have been so much more.
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Nothing special here, move along please
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by RCO
Sometimes a film based on a true story can make you like, or see its subject in a different light. Although I knew, and sort of liked, all the anthemic songs and thought Bohemian Rhapsody the song was quite clever at the time, I was never a 'fan' of the band, I never owned any of their records or saw them live.
This film version does nothing to change my opinion of the band and its singer as nothing special. Yes they play well and FM is a good singer (I think the actor is generally miming to original recordings?). We see them get a very easy ride to stardom by falling into the hands of a good A&R man and an honest manager rather than the usual rogues. We see mostly performances on stadium stages and little or nothing of any struggle to achieve stardom with artistic integrity intact - maybe there was none. We see the lead singer as a narcissistic self-indulgent exhibitionist who manages to dominate and manipulate those around him, and not in any way as an real person - maybe he was like that.
As a movie it is competently made and executed. The montage scene of a US tour is a bit cheap and rubbish but aside from that it is well done. If you delve into the online comments there are loads of quibbles about the chronology - but those you need to accept as necessary to compress key events into a coherent 2hr narrative. There are also lots of factual errors and anachronisms in the settings - but those you need to accept for a film made 40 years after the events it portrays.
At the end of the day it is a creative representation of its subject and not a documentary. As such it is probably quite good if you were a fan of the band and can live with the quibbles, but a waste of time if they were just some ok soundtrack music to your younger life. If you are too young to remember them it might give you a flavour of why people liked them - they created anthems for mass performance.
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Irreplaceable Freddie
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by CP Customer
Great film. Yes, some of the chronology is off and some reviewers criticize the face that the is film not completely true to life, but if it had been, it would never have got to the cinema without massive censorship- no XXX certificates!
This was a celebration of Freddie and Queen's music, and was an entertaining, and yes, sanitized view of Freddie's life. With the other members of Queen having to agree to the content, it was never going to be anything else. It was the music that mattered, and that was the point of the film. The acting was spot-on and I never thought anyone could get so near to portraying the larger-than life Freddie - a triumph.
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A Very Enjoyable Film
- Bohemian Rhapsody review by KW
The persona of Freddie Mercury was always going to be difficult to get right in a film version and all credit to Rami Malek for his portrayal, whether it was in any way accurate I don't know but it served the film well. Full credit also to rest of the cast and crew in bringing off what is a very good thought provoking film.
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