Film Reviews by NP

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Flesh for Frankenstein

Andy Warhol's Frankenstein

(Edit) 11/03/2024

Paul Morrissey, best known for his association with notorious pop artist Andy Warhol, writes and directs this adaption of Mary Shelley’s famous monster yarn. Arguably, the monster in this version is the driven Baron Von Frankenstein, played by the excellent Udo Kier. He wants to create an artificial couple to mate and produce an army that will obey his commands. Nothing understated there then, and that includes Kier’s performance which is rich, wide-eyed and convincingly insane. In an interview, Kier admitted his command of English was shaky at the time; he wasn’t aware of what a gall bladder was – the most famous line in the film ‘to know life, you first have to **** death in the gall bladder’ no longer quite has the same impact!

Meant to shock as a priority, the film’s release was originally released in 3D, hence much is made of bloody body parts appearing to pour out of the screen. Some moments are revolting, and the mix of sex, death, dissection and necrophilia is heady. The open-ended finale is frustrating – especially for Srdjan Zelenovic!

Acting is variable. Monique van Vooren is effective as Baroness Katrin Frankenstein, as is writer, model and actress Dalila Di Lazzaro as the nameless silent female ‘monster’. The Baron’s two children witness much of the gore, especially in the latter stages of the story; I'm sure that such a thing wouldn’t happen nowadays. Surely someone somewhere would be offended on behalf of the juveniles. It didn’t do young Nicoletta Elmi (Monica) any harm. Elmi appeared in many Mario Bava and Dario Argentino thrillers throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s and was a familiar face even here, at the age of 9.

Frequently grotesque and surprisingly dull in places, but featuring a musical score (by Claudio Gizzi) that is often breathtakingly gorgeous, Flesh for Frankenstein is nevertheless a must-see if you are a horror film fan. My score is 7 out of 10.

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The Exorcist: Believer

Not that bad .... not that good

(Edit) 11/03/2024

It takes verve to helm a sequel/reboot to a film so horrific and controversial that it was banned for over 10 years in the UK. To match it in terms of reputation, you might have to risk making something so frightening that it runs the risk of being banned for a further 10 years. Either that or offer something new to the franchise.

David Gordon Green, who directed the recent Halloween Trilogy, has bitten the bullet and gone with this. At the time of writing, any hopes he had of handling a further planned trilogy – or if there will be a trilogy at all – are up in the air; Exorcist Believer has met with hostile reviews and disappointing box office receipts.

Making a mainstream film that genuinely shocks people is, in my view, near impossible these days, when people are encouraged to be offended by so many things. Also, a big company like Universal would doubtless like as wide a demographic as possible for this, so nothing too hostile has been allowed. In other words, the project was doomed before it started. Nothing compares to the original. Even as far back as 1977, and the first ill-fated sequel, something entirely different was produced. At least, if you’ll forgive me, that had balls; this doesn’t really.

We go through familiar Exorcist beats here. The concept has been the subject of many possession films over the years, some a good deal worse than this, and others rather better. It’s a mixed bag to be sure. The two girls at the centre of it all play their roles as well as they can be expected to do, but their progressive make-up is increasingly silly, and we cease to know them in the way we got to know Regan all these decades ago. Equally, there’s something vaguely comical when we have them both going through the throes of their possession, all tongues and grimacing, like a pair of gurning cabbage patch kids. That said, often in these kinds of chillers, ‘troubled’ children come across as petulant and pandered to – at least we’re spared that.

Of the two families, widower Victor Fielding (Leslie Odom Jr.) isn’t easy to warm to. Not very neighbourly, and not very considerate to anyone other than his daughter Angela (Lidya Jewett), it’s only through his suffering do we have any empathy for him. The second girl, Katherine West (Olivia O'Neill) is less central to things, and her parents are virtually superfluous to events.

Things begin promisingly as the two youngsters venture into a forest to perform a séance to contact Angela’s dead mother, and are not seen for three days. When they do turn up, they display increasing symptoms of possession. After this, things lose their way a bit as more characters are introduced – including Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn) from the original, who has a sticky time of it, mainly due to Victor’s extraordinary decision to allow the 90-year-old woman to face the horrors alone. The resultant exorcism is drawn out and follows the beats of the original, but far less effectively.

I don’t think this production is anywhere as near as bad as some say; neither is it particularly good. There’s a chance that, like the Halloween Trilogy, future instalments would add elements to make this Chapter One of a far more fulfilling experience, but as a standalone film, Exorcist: Believer is a victim, not of demonic possession, but of mainstream cinema’s apparent inability to make anything truly unnerving for fear upsetting people in today’s fragile world.

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Here Comes the Devil

He's waiting ...

(Edit) 11/03/2024

‘Here Comes the Devil’, or to give it its Mexican title ‘Ahí va el diablo’, is a splendidly disturbing story about a couple who manage to lose their adolescent children Sara (Michele Garcia) and Adolfo (Alan Martinez). This comes after a prologue where a serial killer disappears amidst a body of caves, exactly where the siblings go missing.

What follows is a slow-moving chiller that grows more uneasy as it goes. There are few obvious scares, but when they come, they are surprisingly gory. The deliberately erratic camerawork and pulsing, ambient incidental score both contribute to this, giving the film a real sense of its own identity, despite comparisons with various other 'possessed children' tales.

Perfectly normal landscapes and locations look increasingly sinister, and the entrance to the cave has an almost vulva-like appearance, which is fitting given the suggested sexual flavour this possession has.

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Wrath of Dracula

Enjoyable low budget chiller ...

(Edit) 11/03/2024

Mark Topping plays a hesitantly spoken chauvinistic Van Helsing, and Hannaj Bang Bendz is a resilient, modern-looking Mina Harker in this wordy adaption of Bram Stoker’s most famous story. The project is helmed by prolific writer/director Steve Lawson, the man behind the equally dialogue-driven ‘Jekyll and Hyde’, ‘Ripper Untold’ and ‘Mummy Resurrection’ among others, all released over the last few years. He specialises in modestly budgeted productions, alongside Creativ Studios who maintain that the limited number of sets and locations look good.

Films like this are an acquired taste. Some reviewers seem offended by the static style of such productions, but they are obviously successful enough to continue. I rather like them – they are invariably well-acted and the stories are interestingly told. This is an adaption that creates an even bigger enemy than Sean Cronin’s bullet-headed Count – sexism against women. Mina, always glamorous and confident, interrupts her vampire hunting, where she’s hoping to rescue Dean Marshall’s wet hubby Harker, to explain how able women generally are, and how the world seems designed to undermine them, often with a raised eyebrow; Van Helsing can only bow his head in quiet agreement.

Some of the action sequences don’t work, but other than that, this is up to the usual standard of Steve Lawson’s productions. It won’t appeal to everyone. But what it does, it does well. The performances are very good (there’s a real sense of menace and power from Cronin’s Dracula) and the adaption is thoughtfully told. Interestingly, a series of out-takes play under the end credits. My score is 7 out of 10.

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The Stranger

Spoilers follow ...

(Edit) 01/12/2016

This mournful, moody horror story from Chile seems to have slipped under the radar a little. Written and directed by Guillermo Amoedo, it features drifter Martin (Cristobal Tapia Montt). His wife is dead, and he has no apparent concern for his own continued existence. Co-produced by Eli Roth, 'The Stranger' moves at such a pace, that there's no time to feel mournful although the ultimate tone of the piece is melancholy indeed.

It's a cleverly and carefully constructed story in which nothing happens without a reason. Lieutenant De Luca (Luis Gnecco) is a villain of some merit, so unapologetically evil, that you're willing the very worst for him. I'm loathe to say any more for fear of spoiler - this is a film that really should be approached with no prior knowledge. Brutal, bloody and bleak: my score is 8 out of 10.

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Satan's Blood


(Edit) 01/12/2016

It can be awkward when we are approached by a couple who swear they know us and we haven't a clue who they are. It must be a good deal worse if we accompany these people to their home to 'catch up' and we realise they are a couple of perverted demon worshippers who have some very grisly plans. This is exactly what happens to Andres (José María Guillén) and his pregnant wife Ana (Marianna Karr). Pretty soon their lives have taken on an extraordinary turn for the worse.

Directors Carlos Puerto and (an uncredited) Juan Piquer Simón make sure we're just as unnerved and anxious as the unfortunate pair. True to its 'euro-sleaze' trappings, the foreboding atmosphere is heavily punctuated with lingering scenes of sex that drag things down a little - but developments come thick and fairly fast. It's a tension-filled rollercoaster and a good way to spend 82 minutes.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Scarlet Claw

New thrills! New terror!

(Edit) 01/12/2016

When you consider this was directed by Roy William Neill, who helmed Universal films 'Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman', it's perhaps not too surprising 'The Scarlet Claw' is rich in horror detail. All the Universal flourishes are there - and a lot of the cast will be familiar too. This for me remains one of the best Sherlock Holmes films, although some cheats are provided to make sure we don't guess who the killer is.

We have it all - American cockneys, mist-layered streets, a local tavern full of weathered faces and scowls, and Watson (Nigel Bruse) unable to keep his mouth shut. He is a buffoon, and it makes you wonder why a man of Sherlock Holmes's brilliance tolerates him, but for this viewer at least, he's a great character; we get to witness the master detective's eccentricities through him, his distance and aloofness. If Watson was not around, we'd be hard-pressed to find a character to relate to in these stories. A pain in the neck he may sometimes be, but a necessary one. And there's a genuine warmth between them - off-screen as well; the only argument they ever had was when Basil Rathbone (still the definitive sleuth) decided to give up the role.

I'm still not sure the revelation of the villain isn't a slight disappointment, mainly due to the lack of subtlety by the actor in question, but other than that this is top-notch stuff. Best enjoyed on an autumn evening with a cup of something warm. My score is 8 out of 10.

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Do Not Disturb

Spoilers follow ...

(Edit) 21/07/2016

Ever since, or perhaps even before, 1960 classic 'Psycho' extolled the horrific virtues of a motel as a venue for horror, the home-from-home has proven an effective place in which terrifying, sometimes unworldly things can happen.

Eccentric writer Don Malek (a terrific performance from Stephen Geoffreys), is torturing his boss in a bathtub filled with ice cubes. It's as good an introduction as any, especially in an off-kilter film like this. We're given no clue as to why this is going on. Director BC Fourteen is in no hurry to reassure us with anything so mundane as an explanation. Malek feels the hotel surroundings will be beneficial to his writing.

Fourteen's style is to people this picture with a variety of acerbic, curious characters, none of whom offer any reassurance, and none of whom are keen to endear themselves to the audience. Thus what we are left with are the stained walls of the hotel, the strained relationships. As Malek leaves the cocoon of the awful residence, he comes across Jasper Crash (a brief cameo from Corey Hiam), another very odd addition to the cast, complete with a dreadful English accent.

Not an easy watch in places, the weirdness of it all provides a palpably eccentric atmosphere for Malek and his murky motives. If it fails to grab you immediately, stick with it. My score is 7 out of 10.

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(Edit) 12/02/2016

There's an unrelenting grimness about this zombie story. After a while, as much as you are drawn to the central characters, I find myself willing them simply to end it all, so desperate is their situation, so desperately unhappy are any of their options in this new, icy world.

But Marco and Sonia (Francis Renaud and Hélène de Fougerolles) are made of sterner stuff than I am. Also, to add to their complications, they are expecting a child. As the sombreness is piled on, the unforgiving punishments these characters - and others - endure, 'Mutants' is in danger of becoming very one-note, with no let up in misery.

As the publicity maintains, 'Extinction is just a heartbeat away'. And all because of human greed. An enjoyable low-key tale of gore and desperation, of betrayal and false hope. Sombre indeed. My score is 7 out of 10.

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The Abandoned

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(Edit) 04/05/2016

Julia Streak (Louisa Krause) plays a rookie security guard initiated on her first shift by the wholly obnoxious Cooper. As an embittered, well-practised sex pest, Jason Patric plays him to perfection. When mildly creepy things begin to occur in the vast building they are guarding, it is irresistible to wish the worst for him.

Many things happen. We learn about Streak's past and that there is more to her than we realised. We also get to grips with the true monster Cooper has become. We also learn about the history of the building which, as you will imagine, is ripe with a dark past and nasty, secrets with ongoing, supernatural effects.

The story is hardly new, but that's okay. Sometimes if a chilling atmosphere is conveyed well, it's a familiar chill to go through it all again. Director and co-writer Nacho Cerdà certainly gives us reason to be chilled as events become more horrific and at times, genuinely moving. There are also enough character moments and set-pieces that allow 'The Abandoned' its own breathing space. My score is 7 out of 10.

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Dark Signal

Fear the returned ...

(Edit) 13/10/2016

Edward Evers-Swindell directs and co-writes this taut frightener that cleverly weaves together two story strands to make a very satisfying whole. James Cosmo stars as big bad Alan Keller, a wealthy individual who may o may not be the deadly 'wedlock killer' so named because he has a habit of relieving his victims of their wedding ring digit. Kate (Joanna Ignaczewska) and her boyfriend Nick (Duncan Pow) think it might be a good idea to visit this man's home and rob him.

In seemingly unconnected events, JAB Radio is about to transmit its final broadcast. To ensure things go off with a bang, Laurie Wolf (Siwan Morris) brings in medium Carla Zaza (Cinzia Monreale) who manages to get in touch with Keller's dead daughter.

Ben (Gareth David-Lloyd), who works for JAB Radio, is the link that binds the two story strands together and what follows is an enjoyably ludicrous horror story that is easy to get caught up in. Fusing elements from a typical haunting with a more slasher-laced style, 'Dark Signal' is great fun and highly recommended. My score is 8 out of 10.

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Cherry Tree

Rosemary's Baby for the 21st Century audience ...

(Edit) 01/12/2016

Hellboy 2's Anna Walton plays teacher Sissy. I wish my teachers looked like her. Naomi Battrick is one of her pupils, Faith, who has a troubled personal life. Her school life isn't a bed of roses either, as she is bullied by her bored, empty-headed classmates. She's also a virgin, which marks her out for special attention in this fast-moving horror tale.

Director David Keating piles events on top of each other, giving us no chance to become distracted. The moments of horror are competently staged, and the acting is convincing throughout. With so much going on and so quickly, I sometimes got the impression while watching that the film doesn't quite know what it wants to be. The finale takes on a rather different tone, in which we get the impression we're not supposed to be taking things too seriously, which further compounds the uneven quality. Nonetheless, an enjoyable, energetic chiller. My score is 7 out of 10.

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The Fostering

The Devil Lives Here ...

(Edit) 01/12/2016

This Brazilian horror tale is many things: fast-moving, scary, sexy, nicely directed, unpredictable. So much is going on that by the end, you'll be begging for a bit of clarity. I was, and I'm very happy with films that leave their audience guessing. A second watch is advised, and such is the high-octane plethora of frightening occurrences hurled your way, that delving in again will be no problem.

Why there aren't more horror films from Brazil is a mystery, if directors Rodrigo Gasparini and Dante Vescio's teen-frightener is anything to go by. The style of filming is immediately sombre and disconcerting, and that gives a kind of canvas of unease on which to main and torture the cast of flawed but likeable young characters.

The farm in which Apolo (Pedro Carvalho) invites his three friends to stay has, as you may imagine, a dark history. Thus a bombardment of twists and turns is strewn forth, culminating in a race to stop the rebirth of an ancient evil. A lot of the details might be familiar from other such productions, but 'The Fostering' (otherwise known as 'The Devil Lives Here') is a great deal of grim fun. My score is 8 out of 10.

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The Mad Ghoul

A New Sensation in Horror, it says here ...

(Edit) 29/04/2016

With the best will in the world, this film (originally developed as 'The Mystery of the Mad Ghoul') is a workmanlike production from Universal, and a far cry from the inventive, carefully made horror films that were made in the '30s. It features their repertoire of reliably wonderful actors like Turhan Bey, Evelyn Ankers and George Zucco and gives them exactly the kind of roles they are known for playing. Instead of Karloff, Lugosi or Chaney as the main monster, we have lesser-known David Bruce playing the titular Ted Allison, a ghoulish henchman whose mission it is to retrieve the hearts of the living.

Luckily the wise-cracking cops and journos typical of this period are kept in check. At a brisk 65-minute runtime, there isn't time for anything much other than the storyline, which doesn't seek to break any new ground. Not unenjoyable, this is the kind of formulaic fare that demonstrated a lack of interest in the dwindling horror genre by this time. I'm sure it was successful enough to justify its modest budget, but it would have been wonderful to have seen the kind of innovation present that pioneers such as James Whale or Karl Freund featured in their earlier, celebrated productions. My score is 5 out of 10.

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The Pool

De poel

(Edit) 07/03/2016

Directed and co-written by Chris W. Mitchell, this Dutch film introduces us to a group of campers determined to enjoy themselves however much events conspire against them. By events, I mean that Leannart (Gijs Scholten van Aschat, who co-wrote this), his wife Silke (Carine Crutzen) and his two sons discover unpleasant things about each other, as they do about friend Rob (Bart Klever) and his daughter Emilie (Jamie Grant). That's bad enough, even if, for the viewer, the myriad sardonic altercations are so true to life they raise a smile of familiarity (in some cases - not all). As a character drama, this succeeds handsomely. But there's worse to come.

When unpleasant things start happening, the images and moments are captured so fleetingly, that you're in danger of missing them. Suggestions of the supernatural, the possibility of nasty legends about the pool of the title proving to be true, and effective moments of realistic gore. You'd leave, wouldn't you? This bunch take a long time to reach that decision. Is it too late? I'm not giving anything away, although (for some, at least) you might guess the answer with a degree of confidence.

I had great fun with this, although the line between real and hallucinogenic is so blurred, we're occasionally flummoxed as to what is going on; and van Aschat and his fellow writers, isn't falling over himself to explain things. My score is 7 out of 10.

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