Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 6 reviews and rated 11 films.

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The Nightingale

Excellent but not for sensitive people

(Edit) 07/07/2020

A very good film that captures you and hold you in its grip like a hurricane. I could not watch it: it took three attempts but glad I persisted.

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Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story

Recommended, very interesting

(Edit) 20/06/2020

I knew nothing about Hedy; in fact, I can't even recall why this ended up on my list. However, I am glad that I have seen this and would highly recommend this, especially to women (which I am) to remind ourselves that we are quite fortunate compared to women a few generations ago, even if our world remains imperfect. Hedy lived in a time when women couldn't be beautiful and smart. She was forced to hide her genius, which she was. A very complex person that made her just more alluring. I found it interesting and learnt a lot. So, go on, chuck this on your list as a wildcard.

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Downton Abbey


(Edit) 16/06/2020

Two stars for eye candy: nice costumes and set. Recommended for a wet Sunday afternoon when you don't want to all. Weak plot. Even the old lady's tongue lost her venom. It's like you run out of tea bags and you re-use the last tea bag because you are that desperate for a cuppa, and hope you won't be able to tell the difference between the original full-flavored cuppa and the second-hand cuppa: the film is the latter.

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Excellent but incredibly sad

(Edit) 06/06/2020

This is the best mini-series I've seen in years. I learnt a lot which is always a plus. Great acting that really brings home the realities of the suffering. Watching it evoked so many emotions including anger and frustration at and with the regime. The elite really did cause it even if there were some operator error. In the end the politics got in the way of everything before, during, and after the tragedy.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Good on some points but violent

(Edit) 20/05/2020

Good bits: acting, scenery and props. You need a bit of background knowledge to understand the characters, for example Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, and Roman Polanski, and what happened with/to/because of them. Recommended if you are interested in history of Hollywood and insider's take on film industry. But as others mentioned the violence towards the end was unacceptable and unnecessary to plot. Also no real storyline, at least nothing memorable.

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Monastery: Mr.Vig and the Nun

Funny in an endearing way

(Edit) 15/04/2020

It starts off slowly and you have to be patient. Vig is an old man, one you can't help but like and also pity. I admire his tenacity and ability to keep the near-ruinous castle going to the best of his ability. He is selfless and selfish simultaneously: he sacrifices his personal space for a church he has no connection with, yet is immensely stubborn. There are funny moments due to some of his sayings: women have problems, like feelings, he claims. And women have so many secrets. It ends with a sad note. And the nun, with the patience of Job, just shakes her head...Worth a watch.

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