Film Reviews by si

Welcome to si's film reviews page. si has written 47 reviews and rated 272 films.

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Black Adam

Oh dear !

(Edit) 26/01/2023

Utter garbage..had to turn off the dvd player after 15 minutes of this cringeworthy tripe..utter garbage, had to press the stop button on the dvd remote after 15 cringeworthy minutes of this cringe fest

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Official Competition


(Edit) 22/01/2023

Most enjoyable movie..excellent casting,,script & production.hilarious playing off of the two adversary characters Bandaras & Martinez & very amusing interactions /dialogue , .especially by Martinez's character .well worth a watch to brighten a dull day !

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Oh dear

(Edit) 20/09/2022

Very boring painfully slow moving film .nothing really happens. Over 2 hours of a pointless movie as entertaining as watching paint dry!

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(Edit) 19/05/2022

Entertaining with great cgi .but vrry cheesy dialogue ..reminiscent of 1970's disaster movies but it held my attention for the 2 hours

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The Assistant


(Edit) 18/05/2022

A dreary depressing pointless waste of time .kept reaching for the eject button but kept drifting off asleep. .good if you like watching a gloomy shade of paint to dry or have insomnia as you will be cured!!

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Utter rubbish

(Edit) 16/02/2022

Complete waste of time & excruciatingly awful. Cheesy derivative garbage. I couldn't take the toe curling bad script,acting & idiotic premise of this waste of time so had to scramble for the OFF/EJect button on my DVD player.

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Death in Texas

Just ok

(Edit) 07/12/2021

Average .fairly derivative but if you have time to wallow away i have e seen worse movies might snooze off halfway through though!

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The Last Job

Dreadful !

(Edit) 07/12/2021

Awful movie,amateur acting,amateur production ,lame highly derivative story line,one to forget. Definitely would not recommend !

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The Shanghai Job

Great fun

(Edit) 05/11/2021

Grear fun movie .very enjoyable escapism.the cast appear to enjoy their roles in this colourful romp which is great viewing.

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Occupation: Rainfall

Dreadful !

(Edit) 25/10/2021

Appauling waste of celluloid..this is one of the worst mobies i have ever encountered..amateur rubbish

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Godzilla vs. Kong


(Edit) 20/07/2021

Absolute garbage of a film

Appalling acting.tiresome endless fights between Godzilla & Kong

.film relies heavily on unconvincing CGI.

I was glad when the end credits appeared

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Boring endurance test

(Edit) 10/06/2021

Utterly dull boring movie as the thoroughly

obnoxious aged Capone grunts & mumbles unimteligably through out this wasted opportunity of a film.very disappointing

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Classic spoiled by idiotic subtitle method

(Edit) 04/06/2021

I was looking forward to watching this classic but the film was spoiled by the ridiculous method of subtitles where the translation is in small white letters usually on a white or light background so they are impossible to read especially with the rapid fire dialogue. Some studios have the good sense to include a black band at the bottom of the screen where the subtitles are easily readable .I gave up watching this Breathless movie after 30 minutes or so ..very disappointed !

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Assault on Station 33


(Edit) 09/05/2021

Utter amateur rubbish

Had to switch off the film after 20 minutes of wasted time ..waste of celluloid

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Bill and Ted Face the Music


(Edit) 25/03/2021

Absolutely dreadful cringeworthy rubbish. What on earth is Kineau doing demeaning himself with this garbage..gotta be one of the worst films I have ever had the misfortune to encounter

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