Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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Poor Things

Emma Stone is phenomemal

(Edit) 12/03/2024

If your a fan of Yorgos Lanthimos and his unconventional films, this one is the auteur director at the top of his game. Amazing production sets add to the fantasy feel of the film. It is a funny, wacky , sexy , dramatic and off the wall masterpiece.

Dafoe and Ruffalo are superb, especially the latter who is like a cad from the old British Ealing comedies. Emma Stone on recieving her Oscar for the role thanked Yorgos for the role of a lifetime as Bella Baxter. It really is a consummate performance from her , playing a number of roles in one character on her journey in growing into her body age throughout the film. Her acting is a pleasure to witness. Her performance really is a wow experience.

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Mother and Child

Intense , moving and cerebral viewing.

(Edit) 29/12/2022

An in depth look at the bonds of a mother and child and the psychological consequences of splitting this bond, which basically could be described as mental illness.

Annette Benin and Naomi Watts act superbly here, as two damaged souls who bring other people down with their behaviour and actions.

If the above sounds appealing, then I would urge you to watch, as it really is brilliant.

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Umberto D.

A poor man in pocket but a rich man at heart

(Edit) 08/10/2020

Mr Umberto owes money to his landlady , which he must pay in full or be evicted. Basically the plot is the main protagonist trying to come up with the money.

In his efforts though, we see the real meaning of the film, how society shuns the poor and elderly. It is heartbreaking to see him approach some old friends who cannot get away from him quick enough, as if he's a contagious leper.

He has a good heart and cares for the young maid at his lodgings who is pregnant but not sure who the father is. It is his relationship with his dog (Flike) that is the most touching and deeply meaningful though. A great thought provoking film.

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Paris, Texas

A Very Moving Film About Heartbreak

(Edit) 21/11/2019

Harry Dean Staunton wanders in the desert in a catatonic state, a truly broken man in body and spirit. This is the opening to this brilliant film by Wenders, accompanied by the haunting, superb soundtrack by Ry Cooder. Throughout the film we learn of his heartache as he begins to slowly return to sanity. Travis knows what he must do to try to mend the wrongs the best he can. Stanton is outstanding in this role.

Kinski is every bit as phenomenal as Jane the estranged ex wife. The scenes through the one way looking glass are so powerful and heart wrenchingly painful, they really are exceptional. I've seen this film several times and it never fails to move me. Very, very good.

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Greta Garbo Collection: Anna Karenina

Fantastic Film

(Edit) Updated 04/10/2019

Firstly I point out that I have not read the book, hence my title. I have no doubt the book is fantastic too, although I think it's an advantage to solely judge the film, as that's what interests us here.

Garbo is sensational as the title character, capturing brilliantly a woman torn apart by the loves of her life. The film deals with the extra marital affair of Anna and Vronsky, who must face the consequences of their actions. Greta Garbo is mesmerising, from her opening scene ( a stunning take of the train smoke clearing to reveal her for the first time for Voronsky to behold) to her final scene. Garbo has a truly consummate talent of revealing the characters thoughts through her eyes especially, and expressions and gestures in general, which has never been equalled before or since by any perrformer, in my humble opinion. Fredric March is great as her lover , as is Basil Rathbone as her estranged, merciless husband. Freddie Bartholomew puts in a fine performance too, as her young son, with some very memorable scenes with Garbo. Maureen O'Sullivan also shines as Kitty, a pretty almost innocent young lady who can't compete with Anna's attraction.

A powerful, emotional film that I know will always stay with me. Thoroughly recommend this.

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Greta Garbo Collection: Anna Christie

Garbo Talks

(Edit) Updated 02/10/2019

Garbo talks was the marketing campaign behind this film, as it was her first talkie.

We first see Garbo when the bell rings at the ladies entrance to the bar. As the barman opens the door Garbo stands there eyeing the place up in a classic shot. In she walks, the Garbo walk, leading with the shoulder and takes a seat. It's 16 minutes in when she utters her first words in talkies, "give me a whisky, ginger ale on the side, and don't be stingy baby". Her voice a brilliant revelation now, even more so at the time.

She really pours her heart out in this film, about her hard life, abandoned to a terrible upbringing. Especially in the scene where she tells her father and boyfriend, " I am my own boss....." and makes a heart breaking confession. Her acting is phenomenal.

Garbo the silent superstar becomes an even greater icon with the advent of talkies. For me this film is sensational, a milestone in cinematic history. Garbo received an Oscar nomination for this and the film Romance, made later the same year (in them days stars could be nominated for two films for one award). The first talkie for the greatest film star that's ever been is a must see for all film aficionados.

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Classic Dietrich

(Edit) 21/08/2019

A fantastic showcase for Marlene Dietrich, which makes the most of her talents. Von Sternberg was fascinated with the actress and this shows with the lighting and camerawork when she's on screen. There is a line in the film when she says to Gary Cooper, pertaining to her question did he join the foreign Legion to forget the past, when she replies that there is a french foreign Legion for women too, but we don't have the uniform or medals. Arriving in Morocco via ship, we know nothing of her past except for the Legion quote we hear later, that gives us a clue to her fragility.

There she takes a job as a cabaret singer. She is awesome in these set pieces, smouldering and seductive in her top hat and tails. This is where she meets Gary Cooper and an on off romance ensues. Dietrich is simultaneously the seductress and a vulnerable woman in this film, which is why it's so great.

The ending is just so beautifully shot and moving, framed by the entrance gates , which reminded me of similar framing by John Ford in the Searchers. Great movie.

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The Postman Always Rings Twice

Film Noir At Its Best

(Edit) 13/08/2019

A Hollywood classic that must be seen by film fans . John Garfield plays a self confessed drifter, who sees a sign for a man wanted outside a diner. Taking the job, he falls for the wife of the owner. Poisonous thoughts begin to surface in the lovers minds.

Lana Turner is just stunning as Corey the femme fatale . Her sexual allure is something to witness, and never to be forgotten, such is her performance. The scene where Garfield first lays eyes on her, when her lipstick, dropped accidently (yea if you believe that go straight to a seduction class) , rolls towards him is phenomenal. The way she looks at him, he's already hooked on her bait, even though he tries to be the one in charge of the situation, we all know who is really orchestrating. Lots of twists and turns and good performances from the rest of the cast make this a great movie, but it's Turner who takes this film into the classic stratosphere.

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My Stepmother Is an Alien

Kim Basinger the sexiest alien ever

(Edit) Updated 15/08/2019

Kim Basinger plays an alien sent to earth to gain information from scientist Dan Aykroyd. She must get the information asap from Aykroyd in order to save her planet.

Knowing nothing about sex or even kissing she relies on a little extra terrestrial in her handbag to quickly show her the facts of life which she then puts into practice on Aykroyd to further her mission.

This film is great fun and Basinger is sensational as an alien sex siren, with Aykroyd as funny as ever.

Made me smile and laugh throughout.

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Tomb Raider

Best Tomb Raider Yet

(Edit) 03/10/2018

I enjoyed this movie more far than the previous Jolie vehicles, of which I am a fan. Alicia Vikander is a wonderful Lara Croft, young, headstrong, elegant, but simultaneously a bad ass. I thought Vikander breathed great personality into which became a loveable character.

The special effects were great, especially the plane on the precipice which Lara has to negotiate. Also the stunt riding when Lara is a human fox is beautifully filmed.

Looking forward to more from the new Miss Croft.

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Red Sparrow

Certainly entertained me from start to finish

(Edit) 20/09/2018

I really enjoyed this film which was a good spy thriller. OK the plot was a bit like a fairy tale. Prima ballerina gets her leg broke and is forced by a wicked uncle to prostitute herself for the motherland, to ensure her sickly mother is not carted off to an old folks home, "with rats in the corridors", says wicked uncle of the east. Having said that though, its a film and I enjoyed the plot.

Lawrence great as usual and some stunning cinematography of Russia, especially the panoramic shot of the dog in the right hand corner of a snow scene. I definitely would recommend and well worthy of 4 stars.

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You Were Never Really Here

Trippy, brilliant cinema

(Edit) 25/08/2018

Phoenix plays Joe, the unhinged gun for hire. Haunted by flashbacks from the army and a totally abusive childhood, it is a constant battle not to take his own life. He is a totally ruthless and violent professional though, despite resembling a zombified junkie. Although he will not bat an eyelid after caving somebody's skull in with a hammer (his weapon of choice), he has a caring sentimental heart. This kindly heart manifests itself in his looking after his elderly mother and caring for the young girl, above and beyong the care of duty, who he's been hired to find and rescue.

A superb performance by Phoenix makes it completely believable that Joe is in a living hell. Similarly, the young actress is terrific at bringing her inner horrors to life, by her own unhinged demeanour.

The mental anguish of the two above is captured brilliantly through the outstanding direction of Lynne Ramsay, aided by a haunting, strange and superb score. Making one hellish, hallucagenic nightmare a cinematic reality.

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Mary Magdalene

Unlike the majority of broadsheet negative reviews, I thought this film was excellent.

(Edit) 04/08/2018

Rooney Mara plays the part of Mary Magdalene, a woman who gave up everything for her devotion and love for Jesus. This devotion and love is captured brilliantly by Mara in her wonderful expressions when she is with the messiah. Now officially recognised by the Vatican as an apostle of the apostles, ie, an equal to the male apostles, this film depicts that accurately. In a world that is totally male dominated, Mara plays Mary as a voice that will be heard, keeping her humility and femininity simultaneously.

Phoenix plays the best Jesus that I have seen, combining the supernatural parabolic Jesus perfectly with the anxious vulnerability of the human psyche. The miracle scenes are in my opinion the best brought to screen, with the raising of Lazurus being exceptional, frighteningly beautiful.


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Side Effects

Totally Addictive Rooney Mara

(Edit) 15/07/2018

It is very difficult to go into detail without spoilers, which the synopsis has not done and neither will I.

Suffice to say that Rooney Mara is absolutely phenomenal as Emily, totally convincing as a severely depressed, suicide imminent young woman in need of urgent medical help. This help comes in the form of Jude Law, her psychiatrist doctor. Law plays this part well, in a role that brings out the best in him.

Fantastic direction by Soderbergh make this vehicle really special.

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The Shallows

Terrific one woman show from Blake Lively (and a seagull friend)

(Edit) 16/04/2018

For a relatively tight budget of 17 million dollars in this day and age I thought this film was exceptional. It is the best shark film I have seen since Jaws.

Blake Lively plays the part of a woman fighting for her life with the perfect balance of fear, panic and steely determination to try and survive. An acting performance that has to be applauded, as it can't be easy conveying these emotions with nobody to play off, except her seagull friend. She kept me thoroughly on edge and entertained throughout with her great performance.

Great direction, beautiful panoramic shots and a very realistic shark also, all adding up to a little classic.

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