Film Reviews by AB

Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 6 reviews and rated 10 films.

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Hangs together

(Edit) 19/03/2021

This is an off-beam comedy (think "Delicatessen" or "Mic Macs") where the humour is primarily farce ( think "Shot in the Dark" or "The Pink Panther"), spiced with a dash/slash of Peckinpah and a social commentary on the wealth divide in South Korea. The house of a wealthy couple is host to parasites from the lower orders, whose adaptability and ingenuity outplays the naivety of the owners, even as one collection of parasites replace another. It is highly original and makes vivid viewing, not least in the contrast between the underground and above-ground cultures.

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The Hairdresser's Husband

A French Film

(Edit) 09/03/2021

Sublime .....and out on its own....... but an essential part of modern french cinema.... with the onus on you to take from it all that you can find.

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The Promise

Lives up to its promise

(Edit) 05/03/2021

Ostensibly a true story of three families and a triangular romance (comprising the excellent Oscar Isaac, Christian Bale and Charlotte Le Bon) against the backdrop of the attempted ethnic cleansing of their Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. Assisted by the Germans at the onset of the first world war (yet still denied by the Turkish authorities), these events rarely get aired today.

The photography and the build-up to the atrocities is superbly handled, with a nicely paced story in the foreground. Well worth watching to remind ourselves who came to the Armenians assistance, at least in this episode.

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Follow The Money

(Edit) 27/02/2021

Warm-hearted insights into the workings of The World’s Greatest Democracy, and the ratchet that led to Trump.

Creative use of the narrator and inventive editing provide the context and the irony, principally through flashbacks. Christian Bale and Sam Rockwell excel as Cheney and Bush, joined by the ghouls of Mrs Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove and Rice, all looking after number one. Giving Cheney a second heart didn’t work, yet the rest of the world is still living through (barely, in many cases) the legacy of the Cheney-Bush era.

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Will you stop looking at me like that?

(Edit) 23/02/2021

It would be funny if it wasn't so close to the truth. There's only so many laughs - generally one-liners - you can get out of somebody's objectionable personality and values, when you know how many people's lives they have ruined. Think of this as an expose more than a comedy, and hope the bastard can grow some sense of shame.

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Remarkable Film

(Edit) 16/02/2021

You never see it coming. Exceptional, given this era of comic book heroes. This is soon to be recognised as a classic and innovative piece of cinema.

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