Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 23 reviews and rated 33 films.

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5th Avenue Girl

Entertaining at first, but dialogue too fast

(Edit) 03/06/2020

At first this seemed to be an entertaining storyline, but as the film went on, so many characters were introduced, and the dialogue was delivered so very rapidly, it became hard to follow what was happening. Sad fact about many US movies of that era that fast dialogue is the norm.

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The Fugitive

Thrilling story of pursuit with lots of unexpected twists

(Edit) 15/03/2020

We found this story compelling viewing from the outset. Very believable situations and settings worthy of a fine actor such as Harrison Ford. He has rightly earned his reputation, enhanced by (I am told) doing his own stunt scenes. Right to the end we could not see how things would turn out, and that is the hallmark of a good thriller.

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Norman Wisdom: Trouble on Tour


(Edit) 15/03/2020

For those who enjoyed his earlier B and W films, which were funny, this came as a disappointment.

From the outset we witnessed an ageing performer being humiliated and, sadly, humiliating himself, on stage.

We felt the antics he went through were beneath his dignity and we quit watching after only a short while.

I feel sure many of the people here in Epsom who knew Norman would agree with me after seeing this travesty.

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The Smallest Show on Earth

Hilarious classic

(Edit) 20/06/2018

For the older generation, a trip down memory lane with some great stars. Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna were a fine teaming - they later co-starred in "Born Free". What a hilarious place to put a cinema! Very enjoyable.

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Love and Friendship

Too many characters and a dull plot

(Edit) 05/06/2018

We lost interest pretty close to the start. Too many characters and a hard to fathom setup meant we gave up trying and were disappointed at the way this movie had been represented to us.

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Cloak Without Dagger

Engaging plot

(Edit) 05/06/2018

An engaging and intriguing plot if a little dated, with some amusingly poor security on the part of the military.

At least no gratuitous violence or sexual content - a family film.

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42nd Street

Fast and entertaining

(Edit) 17/04/2018

Captures the spirit of the times. The speech is fast and the action entertaining, but hugely enjoyable.

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The Beauty Jungle

No wonder we don't have beauty contests!

(Edit) 17/04/2018

This movie reveals the moral and practical dangers of showing off the female body in those cattle markets they called beauty contests. As if beauty is limited to curves, smiles and a big, showy hairdo equal beauty! Was not surprised to see the main contest of the climax was rigged. No wonder the main character decides to repudiate it all at the climax!

The appearance of some cameos from well known comics and famous faces made it interesting to watch, but only just .

Thankfully we hear very little these days about Miss World or Miss whatever, and good riddance to them!

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Only Angels Have Wings

Gripping drama with twists

(Edit) 11/11/2017

Typically suspenseful movie of the period, with chair gripping aerial sequences and plot twists aplenty.

Concludes happily (despite sad losses) on a humorous note.

First-rate acting.

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Heartwarming story of overcoming adversity

(Edit) 16/10/2017

This story is thoroughly believable and keeps one watching to the end, as each dead end appears, yet the father determinedly carries on.

Viewers can really share in the joyful ending (especially parents).

Pierce Brosnan held to his brogue very well and the new woman in his life at the end displays a very attractive personality.

This movie also enlightens viewers on why the Catholic Church has lost much of its influence in the Irish Republic over the past few decades.

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Too Much Johnson

Only suitable for silent film buffs or as a curiosity

(Edit) 03/04/2017

We were disappointed that this did not include speech pages or frames such as we had seen when clips from old silents were shown on the TV.

Also, the action moved very fast, and it was impossible to work out who was who and the developing plot.

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True as a Turtle

Very amusing and with unexpected plot twists

(Edit) 03/04/2017

Enjoyed this piece of cinema history, and the maritime setting. Believable and very different characters, very engaging.

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Eddie the Eagle

A humerous tale - but not a comedy

(Edit) 26/11/2016

Enjoyable tale of little man with big ideas achieving his goal, humerous in places, but its not a comedy.

No doubt the film makers added a few bits of their own, and overplayed the opposition he is supposed to have faced.

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The Wedding Ringer

Too American

(Edit) 12/11/2016

We couldn't get into this film. The general plot was known, but there was so many expressions we couldn't understand. And the speed with which the actors spoke their lines left us completely way behind.

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Authentic and engaging

(Edit) 22/09/2015

Although this was an original film in black and white, lacking maybe the finish of a professional team, this was hugely enjoyable.

There frequent episodes of elation and trepidation, and having it related by the actual adventurers made the adventure truly authentic. We didn't feel the need to view the later remake in colour with actors taking the lead roles.

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