Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 10 films.

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War Horse


(Edit) 20/08/2012

this film is a must from the stable of Spielburg, tense drama and also the reality of what war can be like

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The Last Exorcism


(Edit) 04/07/2011

this film should be withdrawn from the public eyes; it's the biggest pile ever created - what were they thinking ??????????????????????

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Barbed Wire Dolls


(Edit) 04/07/2011

bad acting, plus direction what more am I forced to say crap and more crap

WHY ???????????????????

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


(Edit) 01/07/2011

This film is superb, the acting is good, it depicts what life is all about and how it is parallel to true life. The director got so much from his cast.

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