Armed with a typewriter, an adventurous young woman heads to Alaska to seek her fortune...A dentist is cast into limbo after her death in a bike accident and is given the assignment to act as The Tooth Fairy as her action to be admitted into heaven...Al the Angel returns, but this time he visits a small town and manages to halt the losing tradition of the high school football team, also changing forever the lives of two young brothers who have recently lost their father...All Scout Bozell wants is to be on his school's Safety Patrol. The only problem: his extraordinary and obliviously clumsy nature. When Scout transfers to a new school, his new friends warn him their Safety Patrol, led by the principal's son, are bullies and reign over the place. What Scout and his friends don't know is two staff members are professional thieves and using the 'Safeties' to assist in their crime ring. When the principal learns a member of the Patrol is involved in the thefts plaguing the school, the 'Safeties' name Scout one of them with a devious plan...
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