Film Reviews by Timp

Welcome to Timp's film reviews page. Timp has written 11 reviews and rated 10 films.

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Couldn't get past the artifice

(Edit) 07/09/2020

I was aware that the film had been produced on a low budget but I couldn't deal with the amateurish realism and cinematic artifice which I found a little too contrived. Perhaps I wasn't in the right frame of mind but this was all too much hard work and I couldn't get to the end. I can see from other reviews that others had a completely different experience but this isn't for everyone.

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The Good Liar

Great cast, an enjoyable watch

(Edit) 07/09/2020

As others have noted the story is a bit far fetched. The form of the ending is not hard to predict but aspects of it are over worked. The two main characters give beautifully crafted performances which certainly helps the credibility of the film. All in all a solid piece of entertainment.

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The Gentlemen

Richie back on form

(Edit) 07/09/2020

I haven't enjoyed a Guy Richie movie so much since Snatch, a true return to form in my eyes. Hugh Grant hams it up as one of the main characters but he can get away with these days as his romantic lead days are behind him. The younger actors are very good and I didn't mind Matthew McConaughey in his a unlikely role as a "London" gangster.

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Highly Enjoyable

(Edit) 05/12/2019

It may be that I am simply the right age to enjoy the music so much but there is plenty else to enjoy in this feel-good movie. The basic device of the main character being the only one who can remember the Beatles following a mysterious global power glitch sets up an enjoyable romp. There is love interest of course, will they won't they, with the main characters. The main character is conflicted by his chance in the spotlight and how will he react?

Great performance by Himesh Patel and to play and sing so well really helps the film along.

Thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours

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Let the Sunshine In

Wish I had read the reviews before choosing to watch

(Edit) 19/06/2019

This film has taught me a valuable lesson, pay more attention to customer reviews before adding to your list! I have done this the wrong way and round and have now read the reviews after wasting an hour and a half of my life, in truth slightly less as I had fallen asleep by the end.

Turgid film with no redeeming features. Usually enjoy a bit of french cinema but this was without redemption

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Funny Cow

Disappointing look back to the 70s

(Edit) 13/02/2019

I am a great admirer of Maxine Peake's work and she gives a good performance here but I found the characters shallow and the story unconvincing. I probably chose the film out of nostalgia but this is a downbeat movie with few redeeming features. Whilst I can see there was an attempt to make a statement about women being beaten down it is too much for me to consider it entertaining.

A strong British cast that created a film of little merit

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Lady Bird

Not for me

(Edit) 21/12/2018

I remembered there was a lot of buzz around this film at the time of it' s cinema release I am now slightly mystified why that was.

Saoirse Ronan is a gifted young actress but this film was not for me. I've enjoyed coming of age films in the past but this seems to deal with modern issues like a box ticking exercise. There are funny moments but overall it didn't make a mark.

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Whisky Galore!

Easy watch

(Edit) 06/12/2018

I probably have seen the original version but didn't have a strong enough memory of it to compare the two.

This version is an easy watch for the family. I can see why some reviewers have been more critical as there is a lack of depth to some performances.

Good enough for a wet Sunday afternoon

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Molly's Game

Film didn't live up to the billing

(Edit) 06/12/2018

I was intrigued by the background to the film and the fact that the events were inspired from real life. I enjoyed Jessica Chastain's portrayal of the main character but it was a superficial treatment which lacked depth. Whilst I enjoy much of Idris Elba's work he was unconvincing for me as the lawyer.

At the end I felt there were parts of the story left untold and the redemption scene with Kevin Costner was per schmaltz

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The Commuter

Harmless hokum

(Edit) 07/09/2018

I wonder if Liam Neeson could have foretold his later day career as an action hero?. Obviously Taken, a fine action film, opened doors to an endless succession of genre movies that neither stretch him nor live up to the original. So if we can suspend disbelieve a former cop is now a failed financial services salesman. Without wanting to spoil the plot the action takes place on a train and a series of unlikely twists leads to a spectacular denouement.

It is not great cinema but it moves along at a reasonable pace and isn't short on action.

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Phantom Thread

A strange dark movie

(Edit) 07/09/2018

I loved the look of this film and it captures the atmosphere of a time and the world of high fashion magnificently. That said, ultimately this is not what the film is about, instead it explores the nature of a dark and abusive relationship between two people. I can't say this is an easy watch as neither of the main protagonists are easy to empathise with but perhaps that the director was striving for.

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