Film Reviews by KW

Welcome to KW's film reviews page. KW has written 158 reviews and rated 159 films.

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The Captain

Enthralling Film

(Edit) 30/12/2018

Based on what appears to be true events at the end of World War 2, and how easy it was for a 20 year old on the run from his unit, who then manages to get himself accepted as a senior NAZI officer with a reporting line direct to the Fuhrer!!

The film does highlight the growing lack of control in early 1945 and the atrocities that were allowed to take place without proper due diligence, and the power vacuum that was existing between the ARMY old school and the Gestapo / SS related forces.

If this period of history interests you then this is a film that should not be missed!

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Better Than I Expected

(Edit) 22/12/2018

Not a classic, but was better than I expected, but with all the best tunes in the first film it was always going to be hard to make them realistic. The appearance of Cher towards the end of the film did add some impetus to it but the script was to thin to make an outstanding film!

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(Edit) 20/12/2018

Watchable film about a group of 40+ year olds who have been playing a game every May for years and hope to win this year by catching a colleague who has never been tagged. The story line goes through the motions of how they may achieve it. Will not spoil the plot but some realistic pruning of say 10-15 minutes might have made it!

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Hitler's Hollywood

For Film Historians

(Edit) 15/12/2018

Two interesting films covering the production of films firstly during the years of the Third Reich and secondly from the end of WW1 again until the end of WW2. Mostly black and white, some are a bit grainy but the spoken English dialogue and sub titles provide sufficient information to enjoy them.

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Christopher Robin

Its OK but nothing Special

(Edit) 15/12/2018

Watchable, but if you are looking for an new insight into the phenomenon that os Winnie the Pooh, then this is not the vehicle.

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Enthralling insight into the role played by the Polish Emigres

(Edit) 11/12/2018

A fascinating film covering the famous 303 Squadron of Polish airmen particularly during the Battle of Britain, and the sterling work they did to repel the LUFTWAFFE! Despite opposition from fellow airmen who did not like them stealing their thunder.

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Did we need another remake?

(Edit) 11/12/2018

Watchable film but did not add anything to what had been covered in the original version. Gave a flavour of the tensions inside the Israeli Cabinet and perhaps this side of the operation should have had greater prominence and with it a better film.

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First Reformed

Crime Thriller

(Edit) 07/12/2018

The packaging said crime thriller, well it was no thriller and I am not sure what crime has been committed, unless you count taking ones own life! Credit to Ethan Hawk for making a performance from so very little to go, but if the film raises any issues, it is the dependence of churches on large corporate donations to survive!

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The Happy Prince

At Last a Film about Oscar Wildes Life Post Reading Jail

(Edit) 07/12/2018

Bravo Me Everett for giving us a detailed film about the life of Oscar after he left READING Jail. I was totally enthralled with it and the host of British acting talent providing performances to savour. Whether intentional or not the film did make me wonder whether Lord Alfred Douglas really loved Oscar or was he using him to get back at his own father? We shall never know!

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Ideal Home

Funny in parts

(Edit) 05/12/2018

Interesting film about high profile gay chef and his partner who manages his film and tv programmes, thrown into disarray when the grandson of the chef is forced to live with them whilst his father serves a prison term. The grandson 's diet has consisted of Taco Bell's and being street wise provides a whole new focus for the life of grandad and partner. Funny in parts, stretched to breaking point at other times, the film is watchable but is not one one I can whole heartedly recommend.

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A Moment in the Reeds

Summer Romance

(Edit) 05/12/2018

Interesting take on the use of migrant workers in parts of Europe to do work the locals will not undertake, and the issues raised when a local businessman hires a refugee Tariq from Syria to help renovate his country cottage coinciding with a visit by his son Leevi from Paris where he is studying. An attraction develops but cannot develop due to the cultural differences and the ghost of Leevi's mother who had died some years earlier. Not an outstanding film and it did get a bit bogged down in parts towards the end, and perhaps would have benefitted from 10-15 minutes being pruned from the run time.

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Sleep Inducer

(Edit) 30/11/2018

This was the most boring film I had to watch in years, with a plot line that that just failed me, and the acting was derisory.

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Lean on Pete

Importent Message Lost in trying to make a Two Hour film

(Edit) 30/11/2018

The film had a very good concept for a very interesting film, but is length, and selected chapters being too long and detracting from the important message it was trying to put across. Visually good to look at and the acting from the cast was excellent with some very classy pastiche acting performances from well known actors.

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Lean on Pete

Importent Message Lost in trying to make a Two Hour film

(Edit) 30/11/2018

The film had a very good concept for a very interesting film, but is length, and selected chapters being too long and detracting from the important message it was trying to put across. Visually good to look at and the acting from the cast was excellent with some very classy pastiche acting performances from well known actors.

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Mark Felt

Deep Throat Exposed

(Edit) 14/11/2018

Interesting film leading up to the exposure of the legendary Deep Throat, who so angered the White house of President Nixon. Exemplary performances from Liam Neeson and Diane Lane as the wife who had to live through this and keep the stiff upper lip syndrome going. With technology today as it is could it ever happen again who knows!

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