Film Reviews by Cherry

Welcome to Cherry's film reviews page. Cherry has written 30 reviews and rated 385 films.

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Dragon Blade

Don't waste a credit on this one

(Edit) 18/05/2017

We generally don't write reviews and I am fairly tolerant of bad films. This one though, despite the obviously high productions values fails to engage on any level. I can't put my finger on what it is about it - probably the way it is cut accompanied by lashings of cheese, poor plots and dialogue. I just dont give a monkies how it ends. I am writing this review during the films climax. Just don't hire it please.

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Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run

(Edit) 19/06/2006

A modern and original German film. In some ways like Sliding Doors in the way that it focusses on small actions that can effect the path that your life takes. When the first scenario finished, my boyfriend told me that the film was only 30 minutes long and that was it! Glad it was longer.

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The Party


(Edit) 19/06/2006

Strange film, with some very funny moments, but plot is slightly far-fetched in places. Looks quite dated which gives it a certain style. Wouldn't say it was that amazing, but we have taken to calling our dog's food 'num-nums'.

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The Grudge

Quite scary

(Edit) 07/03/2006

This is quite a scary film, but not as amazing as the DVD extras would have you believe. Not quite enough background to the characters but the plot is quite clever. Like the way it moves backwards and forwards in time. Mabee the Japanese version is better than this Americanised one - hard to believe it would work if the cast and crew are speaking 2 diffferent languages.

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Hotel Rwanda


(Edit) 18/05/2006

Best film I've seen for a while - one that really stays with you. Made me cry (I'm a girl).

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The Motorcycle Diaries

Motorcycle Diaries

(Edit) 18/05/2006

Not knowing a lot about Che guevara, it seemed odd to me to imagine him as a young man, but the film did really evoke the characters and a certain time and place in history. I just want them to make a sequel now of the next bit of his life!

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Super Size Me

Must See film

(Edit) 31/01/2006

Everyone should see this, although it's not always pleasant viewing. Great film for making a stand, it's good that it's done so well for an 'amateur' movie. The DVD extras are worth watching too.

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Ladies in Lavender


(Edit) 07/03/2006

Very evocative of a time and a place, also superby acted - very believable characters. Kept waiting for a disaster to happen, but it wasn't too bad fortunately.

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Coffee and Cigarettes


(Edit) 07/03/2006

We had to watch this in two sittings as we couldn't get into it. The first one and the one with Steve Coogan were the best. I suppose they were quite artistic and had some interesting concepts but they weren't really developed. We had the feeling that we just didn't 'get it'.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine

(Edit) 13/01/2006

A very clever, interesting film

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The Butterfly Effect

Indie Angst

(Edit) 31/01/2006

A good film, I would recommend it. American teen-y whilst remaining independant, too. Reminded me a bit of Donnie Darko.

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13 Going on 30

Fun film

(Edit) 31/01/2006

This was much better than I'd expected. Jennifer Garner is really good at acting like a girl trapped in a woman's body, and it's a real feel-good film. As a 30 year old myself, I liked the 80's references - especially the thriller dance.

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(Edit) 14/08/2006

I found this a really funny film. Stiller and Wilson play thick, vain but good-hearted models with contrasting charachters.

My only criticisms are that the plot is a bit silly and there are some small jokes I may have missed as the film is American.

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(Edit) 14/08/2006

A historical epic in the style of Troy and Gladiator, the film looks fantastic, and from the extra commentary, does appear to have been researched fully. Whilst so much effort was put into making it as historically accurate to Alexander The Great's life as possible, it was incredible to hear several dreadful Irish accents creeping in. Why that was allowed is a mystery, nevertheless, the film is strangely gripping, and the possibility of Alexander's homosexuality also gives the film a darker edge.

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Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest

(Edit) 15/08/2006

You don't have to be a trekkie to watch this but it helps if you've seen a few episodes. This film has another layer to it which makes it much more entertaining than a traditional Sci-Fi film. Very enjoyable, I could watch it again.

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