Film Reviews by CD

Welcome to CD's film reviews page. CD has written 168 reviews and rated 172 films.

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The County

Gentle Feel Good Film

(Edit) 05/11/2020

Interesting to see an Icelandic Farm and appreciate the pressures on people trying to make a living from the land. The film has a predictable direction but it is enjoyable and flows along well. The lead character (Inga) is strong but there is a lack of other strong characters across the film to make it really interesting as a drama. Well worth a watch though.

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The Invisible Man

Promising Plot and Terrific Acting from the Lead

(Edit) 05/11/2020

The performance of Elisabeth Moss mainly earns this film 4 stars from me. The context of an abused spouse trying to escape an unhappy marriage is not an unfamiliar one in the movies (e.g. see the excellent Julia Roberts' film "Sleeping with the Enemy"), but The Invisible Man adds another sci-fi/ horror direction. There are some scary bits and a lot of action, but ultimately I found the plot a bit unsatisfying and the film a little overlong. The conclusion however is worth hanging around for, and there are plenty of little tricks and turns to keep the viewer's attention throughout.

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The Wolf's Call

Gripping Action Sequences

(Edit) 05/11/2020

I found the action sequences at the start of the film particularly exciting. The tension within the film of the claustrophobic world of the submariners and the need for swift decision making is quite gripping to watch, and also the almost super-human listening and identification capabilities built up by the specialist sonar operator. As other reviewers have commented, it was a shame not to have the original french language, but this film is well worth watching all the same.

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Very well made horror movie

(Edit) 05/11/2020

I have watched this film a couple of times over the past 5 years. The acting is good and the plot and script work well. It does not deteriorate into obvious horror territory but slowly builds tension gradually convincing the policemen that all is not as a normal homicide incident. The lift itself and the limited scope for any doubt that the murderer is one of the passengers makes the finale scarier. Overall a clever film. Highly recommended.

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The Tall T

Great Western of the 1950s

(Edit) 23/08/2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this western, having watched it alongside "Ride the High Country", also starring Randolph Scott. I had not really been familiar with Randolph Scott until seeing these films, but rate him really highly having now seen his portrayals of mostly good natured, positive characters. In "The Tall T" the support characters are excellent - a group of believable desperadoes, and an increasingly gritty Maureen O'Sullivan - and it is impressive as to how quickly these are built up in an exciting film of only 74 mins. The screenplay and scenery are top order and there is a satisfying conclusion. I like the way that Randolph Scott gives the same instruction to Maureen O'Sullivan as he gives to Nancy Gates in the film Comanche Station - "just keep shooting".

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Ride the High Country

Top end western from the 1960s

(Edit) 23/08/2020

This film thoroughly deserves its high ratings. Joel McCrea and Randolph Scott are both excellent in the lead roles and it's great to see James Drury, a star of the Virginian, in a main supporting role. The film is quite philosophical from the vantage point of the seasoned lawmen, but has plenty of action, moving at a steady pace across the 90 mins. The supporting cast in the miner's camp is very good and the finale is well structured although not sure why quite so many people broke cover to be shot!

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Comanche Station

Overlong but quality shines through

(Edit) 10/08/2020

I enjoyed this movie - the scenery is beautifully shot and the old style hero (Randolph Scott) is convincing. The supporting actors do well and the music score keeps things trotting along nicely. 

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Rio Bravo

Highly rated by the critics

(Edit) 10/08/2020

This is a very highly rated movie which I felt just about lived up to its rating.  Dean Martin  is excellent and the chemistry between John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson is intriguing.  There is a young and very beautiful Angie Dickinson who falls for Wayne instead of the younger stars! The plot is fairly predictable but Walter Brennan as Stumpy introduces the necessary comedy at times - the baddies are bad enough to deserve what they get but not so bad that they spoil the overall good feeling around the movie.  John Wayne shows his usual grit to great effect.

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Enjoyable dive into late 60s pop culture

(Edit) 09/06/2020

I enjoyed this film much more than I expected. It seems to receive little critical coverage, but the characters and acting are good and the music at times really excellent. It takes a bit to get used to actors trying to represent legends such as Hendrix and Cream, but here it works well and I found the way the managers and promoters were displayed in the film as an interesting extra angle. I came away with a real desire to listen to more Hendrix music across all eras of his bands, so a good result I think for the fim-makers and for the great man himself.

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To Sleep with Anger

Deservedly Critically Acclaimed

(Edit) 09/06/2020

I had heard of this film as it was showing at the BFI in London last year in a retrospective and was highly rated. It is a truly atmospheric and beautifully acted film with Danny Glover as just one of many superb performances. As an extra bonus, the script is very good as is the music. My only criticism is that the film drags out a bit at the end. There is plenty of menace and growing tension in the film which ends in a key event (I will not spoil things if you have not yet watched the film) - after that there would be a case for a final scene and then the credits to roll. Overall however, highly recommended.

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The Flight of the Phoenix

Well rated but disappointing

(Edit) 18/02/2020

This film seems to have grown in ratings over the years and was recently shown at the British Film Institute again.  To be honest, I was disappointed. I found the characters a bit wooden and the humour and lines in general have not stood the test of time well.  The overall plot is straightforward - a crash in the desert in an aeroplane- and unfortunately despite the efforts of James Stewart and Richard Attenborough it remains not much more interesting than that

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Epic Viewing

(Edit) 18/02/2020

The best bits of this film are superb - the sight of the Greek ships in the Aegean, the amazing battle scenes, the attempts to recreate ancient Troy.  The cast is very strong but inevitably the dialogue is limited and you feel many of the actors’ talents are a bit wasted.  Brad Pitt and Peter O’Toole stand out.  Well worth a watch but be ready to skip a few scenes.

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Tristan and Isolde

An epic with plenty of scenery and action

(Edit) 16/01/2020

This film receives lukewarm reviews but this is the second time I have watched and enjoyed it. The acting is good and the "dark age" post Roman period of the film is interesting. Quite a lot of fighting, some romantic scenes and good overall themes of loyalty and love. I'd recommend it for a cold winter's evening.

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Deadwood: The Movie

Disappointing given the reputation of the series

(Edit) 16/01/2020

I concur with other reviewers in being disappointed with the film, although had only seen a few of the Deadwood TV series many years back. You know you are in for a mixed experience within the first 2 scenes where characters arrive and then are not developed properly in the film. The dialogue is quite interesting with some effort to make it (how one imagines) people might have spoken in the late 19th century. Half way through you realise that this is going towards a predictable conclusion, and you may be tempted to reach for the fast forward button just to make sure.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Very Disappointing given the accolades

(Edit) 16/01/2020

I enjoyed the late 1960s references and style, and the Hollywood glamour set backdrop. However its a strange and ultimately unsatisfying film, with many themes not coming together. I agree with other reviews that it is unnecessarily violent. Brad Pitt's character is never really developed and that's a real shame as he's probably the most interesting personality in the film. As a positive the chemistry between Pitt and DiCaprio is excellent and kept me watching what was quite a long film to its painful conclusion.

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